Well, I don't think I have ever gone a month without blogging. September just happens to be my favorite month and I think we have been soaking it up. I started off my month with one of my favorite traditions: I hopped aboard the Hogwarts Express and have almost finished rereading my favorite books. I took a knitting class and knitted my first hat, then my second, then my third.... I like to knit them. We celebrated the Mr's birthday and are planning a few fall trips. With my little man in school for a few hours a day, 4 days a week, my life has started to revolve around taking him and getting him. And, I have started some good habits for myself.... working out again steadily. I have done some here and there over the past few years, but I am pretty much scheduled at the gym at least 4 days a week, but I end up doing more. I have a bunch of cute clothes that I would like to wear again. So, basically life has gotten in the way. And, I think that is the best reason ever not to blog as much.
We decided to put off moving and listing the house until Spring. The Mr. has travelled so much this year and we are planning 2 trips this fall that it just felt rushed, and I don't like to half do things. Plus, I can't imagine not snowflaking the house at Christmas just to appeal to those who don't like reams of paper hanging from the ceiling and windows. So, we will work on getting things ready and hopefully sell and move before next Summer so we are settled by the time Kindergarten starts. We are ready though. We are ready to purge and simplify and call a new place home. We were not meant for subdivision life.
I have stepped back on custom painting with the Mr's travel and our trips planned, but I hope to pick it back up soon.... either here or once we get settled. I have been making things (besides hats and scarves!) and have lots of ideas in my head, but for now, I am keeping them to myself.
I hope your September has been as lovely as mine!
Yay...glad to see you are back! :) I've been having the same struggle with my blog. :) Enjoy the fall, friend!
I miss reading your steady posts, but I am definitely happy for you. It's great to focus on yourself sometimes and not feel obligated show the whole world every detail. I can't wait to see your new projects, though. Take care :)