hello~ since I last blogged the Mr. and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. And, since it was on a Monday, we decided to wait to celebrate it until last weekend with a little family road trip to East Tennessee. I am from Cookeville (which is east of where we are) and have been east before, but never this far. It was so green and beautiful in the mountains. I think in addition to the beach and the trees in Savannah, the mountains here may be my favorite.
We stayed in Johnson City and took little drives from there. It may be because it is new and different, but everything looked pretty cool. We loved the homes in the Tree Streets area and they had a great little Farmer's Market set up near the downtown.
It was picturesque! Very artsy and quaint. I wish I would have taken more photos, but I was busy taking mental ones.
I love little architectural details like these. We headed through Elizabethton and I didn't get any photos there, but it was a cute town too. Lots of houses with stoops. I want a house with a proper stoop.
Then we went to Bristol after a little break. They have a great downtown with live music and restaurants. They had a really cool depot/ train station near this sign too.
On the way to Bristol, we passed a drive-in. We decided to grab a sandwich instead of going out to eat and watch Monsters U. Since it didn't get dark until 9, we weren't able to stay and watch the second movie.
It was a great trip! The mountains were beautiful and it seems like that area would be a great place to live.