Hello there! It has been a few weeks since the party, but Mr. Hughes has been so very blessedly busy that he hasn't been able to edit the photos from the party, so I stole the camera and did what little I can do. We had a more low key year than the years before... we decided to have it on a Sunday and we had almost all our very favorite people with us to celebrate our little guy.
Originally, back when we started planning birthday number 4 (ahem... shortly after his 3rd birthday... hey, we like to party!) we thought we would have a superhero inspired party. I pinned away superhero themes and dinosaur themes too. Then, one day the Mr. came home with this 4 and it looked very robot-y to it. We gave the boy the choice and I didn't even get out the whole word and he yelled... ROBOTS!!! So, there you go.
Meet Bink the Robot. baby hughes was a little disappointed that he didn't move or talk, but, I think the Mr. did a great job on him.
The Mr. brought these home last year... why I don't know. But, they ended up being perfect for the party entrance.
A few hours before the party, Mr Hughes got a wild hair to chalk some boards with a bunch of different robots.
I totally forgot to take photos of the cute robot lollipops and little windup robots before I tied up the bags, but they are there.
The tissue decorations reminded me of gears and I love tissue decor... it is so festive!
baby hughes requested cake pops, cupcakes and cookies this year (he actually asked for a robot cake too, but I decided that is where I would stop.) This was my first time making cake pops and they were yummy, but very sweet.
I found a cool gear shaped cookie cutter and used a little round one I had to cut out the center. I rounded up some industrial trays that I got long ago to use for the food.... and there was food besides the sweets... not sure what happened to the photos of it.
The cupcakes were golden with salted caramel icing. Mr. Hughes drew some fun robots and printed for me to make some cupcake toppers.
The Mr. used his extraordinary chalking skills to draw a robot as a backdrop.
We had a few Rock 'em Sock 'em sets so everyone could play. We have since used them to settle debates.
One of the last minute ideas the Mr had was to turn our metal set of drawers into a makeshift robot. He gutted the vintage tv tube that didn't work and replaced it with a newer one that did and added a DVD player to play movies. He did that with another thought in mind and just happened to place it on the set of drawers and voila... Robot! He went and bought some arms and we played videos and photos sequences of baby hughes
Well, that was year 4. If you want to see previous years, check out 1, 2, and 3. We obviously love having these parties and this year was fun since the little man had quite a few opinions regarding colors and what he would like and who to invite. I hope he lets us do these for many years to come.
be back soon. Things have been super, duper busy around these parts and I haven't been able to sit down and blog as much. And I miss it!
bye for now~