Hello all! Hope you had a lovely weekend! This is the first weekend in awhile that I did practically nothing. Like, didn't leave the house for a couple of days (I was feeling a bit ehhh...) But, still, it was wonderful! I worked on some embroidery patterns and some orders and that was it. I am still working on getting my blog for thimbled up and running, but in the meantime, I figured I would just post that sort of thing here. The Mr worked on getting some of my designs into pdf patterns and they are now available here. I have a few more that I am finishing up over the next few days and then I will post them as well.
Thanks for all your sweet comments about my little embroideries! My head is overflowing with ideas and my fingers can't stitch them fast enough! Be back soon with some shoppe photos and possibly some home photos.... I have a new studio space after all!
bye for now~