Part of my collection of ironstone, oh I love it so!!
I really like plates and platters with staining on them.
I love the maker's mark on the bottom of the pieces almost as much as I like the pieces themselves.
I love my big ironstone bowls. They are great for so many things. I plan on putting some pumpkins in these very soon.
I even use ironstone in our bathroom to hold swabs, cotton balls and tooth brushes (it is one of my favorite pieces.)
Now, some of the best things I have ever come across are my Dundee Marmalade jars. They line my bar in my kitchen. And I have a few others scattered here and there.
Aren't they great? I think I have 14 now... one of them is a large one!
And, a fairly pricy habit is my mercury glass. The real, vintage mercury glass is very elusive (and expensive.) I have a few real vintage pieces. I kind of have a rule for my finds.... I will only buy the new stuff if it looks new... not too distressed. I think they try too hard distressing it. But, I will buy the old stuff in any condition that I can afford.
The matching vases in the back are from 1897 and have lost almost all of the silvering.
Here are some photos of my table that I have filled with my mercury glass. Part of me wants to burn the candles all the way down so that the wax is dripping all over everything. And, the tidy part keeps me from doing that.
And, also in my dining room, I have a small stash of vintage bottles. I really like the ones that are frosty blue.
And, here is a sampling of my milk glass
And, I can never come home without a vintage frame... they are all over the place. In our living room, I painted them all black.
And, the last thing that I can think that I have multiples of is hand mirrors. I actually don't pick these up anymore... I am satisfied with the way the arrangement looks.

Okay, now before you rush off to see the fabulous blogs that are joining in with their multiples, please sign up for my little giveaway.
It is a milk glass pedestal bowl. I have one that I love to fill with soaps, but it also looks adorable with lemons and limes.
You know the drill...become a follower of Vintage Junky, then leave me a comment. If you are already a follower, just leave me a comment so I know you would like to win. If you want to blog or tweet, just let me know and I will throw your name in twice. I will draw a winner on Thursday to be announced Friday.
Okay, now it is time to party....
If you'd like to join in..... is how this works:
- Write a post showing us your multiples. In the post, link back to this party post so that everyone reading your blog can see what everyone else has brought to the party. Click on the title of this post and copy the address bar to link back here.
- Come to Vintage Junky and add your name and permalink to your multiples post to the list at the bottom of this post. To get the permalink, click on the title of your post for this party and copy the address in the address bar. The link you add should NOT be your blog's address ( ex: It will be much longer, like this ex:
- Make sure your link works. If you come back and your link has been deleted, just try again and make sure you are linking back to this Party Post and you leave the link for your Party Post. You can always email me or comment and I will help get you joined in!