My First Ever Giveaway

I thought the best way to start off a new month and a new season (almost) would to be to do a little giveaway... my first! I am pretty excited about this little gathering of treasures:

I have for one lucky winner:
A set of 4 embroidered cocktail napkins
A tiny green milk glass bud vase
A vintage French label that I turned into a magnet
A French lavender guest soap
A wire egg crate

I left the label uncoated in case you would like to write on it. The magnet itself is attached to a metal container. All of these things were chosen especially for this giveaway.

So, here is what you have to do:
  1. Become a Follower of vintage junky. Then, leave me a comment telling me you want to win this.
  2. If you are already a Follower, just leave me a comment telling me that you want to win.
That's it! I will close the contest and draw a winner next Monday evening to be announced next Tuesday.


  1. Just started following and I LOVE your blog! (I always sneak time in at work to read)

  2. Hello there! I've been a follower of yours for quite a while now... I always love and have so much fun checking in on you!
    Christina :)

  3. Pick me! Pick me! (I'm already a follower.)

  4. I am a follower and I would love, love to win this!!! By the way, I love your blog!!! xoxo

  5. YES! I want to win!!! (I just became a follower of your fabulous blog!)

  6. i am a follower! what fun treasures! i would love to win! thanks!

  7. Already a follower & I LOVE this giveaway! Such goodies!! :) Pick me!

  8. I am a follower and I want to win this adorable basket of vintage love. Thanks also for including My Shoestring Life in your previous post. You're a dear.

  9. I am a follower and would love to win :) is a very cute collection!


  10. I just started following your blog a few days ago - good timing! I'd love to win ... you picked a lot of great things for us!

  11. Oh, gosh! I've been following you for a while now and just LOVE all the nifty "junk" you find. You find the neatest things! And this giveaway is no exception. Love, love, love all those things and I'd love to win it!


  12. I'm already a follower and I'd love to win!

  13. Hello sweet friend! What an utterly fab giveaway! You can bet that I want it ALL! ;) So please enter me in your giveaway!


  14. What a fun giveaway! You picked some nice treasures. I would love to add those to little apartment! I am already a follower, of course! :)

  15. I love your blog... I am a follower and I must, need and want the metal egg crate :) I love, love , love it.... pick me pick me pick me...


  16. I'm already a follower of your great blog and I WANNA WIN!!!!!! :)

  17. I love your blog and have been following for some time. You've been one of my inspirations for changing and rethinking the way I decorate and the little treasure you've chosen to give away are awesome and I would love them :) Don't mean to be cheeky, I live in Europe but if I win you could mail them to my mother in law in the US ;)

  18. I have a wire basket they still say that? Been a follower for a while and would LOVE to win this great giveaway!

  19. Wow, love all of those items. I've been reading your blog for a while now & just became an official follower. Thanks for having a fabulous giveaway...I'd LOVE to win!!

  20. I am a follower! I LOVE that wire basket!

  21. Hello! Yay, I love a good giveaway, and this one's fabulous! Thank you for entering me for the chance to win.


  22. Already a follower. What a wonderful giveaway, would LOVE to win.

  23. New to your blog - loving it!

  24. Already a follower... please sign me up! I'm feeling lucky!!

  25. i am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog thanks to one of my own followers! i just love your site and adore all things vintage too! and of course, i would love to win too! that egg crate just rocks! and so does the magnet! hugs!

  26. Good thing I came over a visit or i would have missed your first giveaway!!!

    I had just signed up to follow, and then read your post.

    so, I'm in!!

    Every time i tell myself i am not going to do one more party or special day, someone else comes up with a great idea!!

    I love letters and numbers too. Will see what i can do about joining in.

    Great idea and hope the party goes well.


    barbara Jean

  27. Love following your blog (and looking forward to the blog party!)
    Count me in on the give-away!

  28. You know I've been loving your blog (and following) since your burlap chair covers and porch re-do :). Plus, you've given me such wonderful advice and support on my cottage projects. Please enter me in your give-away! Your blog party sounds great too. I'll be there!


  29. Love your blog so much - I'm a follower and I'm happy to meet you. I'm learning in baby steps so I'm going to try and put your button on my blog - it'll be the 1st - and if you have a sec how about a post on how to get my own button.

    OMG - I'm addicted.

    Thanks for your time - LOVE the giveaway cool wire basket & all. I gotta have it.


  30. I just found your blog and became a follower. I really need to win your giveaway! I love the things you picked and would put them to good use!

  31. I just joined the com site now! I've been a follower of your other site for awhile now. And yeah. I wana win too. :) That BASKET! Drool...


  32. I LOOOOOOOVE it! I want to win! ;-)

  33. I am now a follower. Love your new color on the your entry door.

  34. what great style you have.... I really enjoy your blog.....
    I love your giveaway and hope I win.
    Rhonda Lou

  35. What Fun!!
    I just found your blog from My Sweet Savannah and I am in love! I have become a follower so please enter me in for the chance to win those lovely treats!

  36. New follower...hope I'm not too late! =D

  37. Lovin the generous giveaway..great basket!!
    I already follow you and am thrilled that I do!!
    Enjoy the rest of this holiday weekend!!

  38. What fun! I am new to the blog and am happy to follow you. Thank you.

  39. Ok, I'm a new follower :) I think I'm #99, you're almost to 100!!! Your giveaway is wonderful, and I would be thrilled to win it! Thank you also for stopping by my blog, it's so nice to meet you!

    :) T

  40. I'm a follower and I would love to win !

  41. I am a follower and I would so love to win ,
    Just beachy

  42. That basket just looks more and more inviting every time I check back! :))))))


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