
One of the best things that I have encountered while blogging isn't the endless inspiration.  It isn't the handy cleaning tips.  It is the friendships.  I have made quite a few long distance close friendships.... some of you I talk to more often than my mother... and that is quite a bit!  A few years ago.. I think it has been that long.... I got a comment or an email from a reader that figured out she lived in the same town that I did.  We emailed back and forth and became Facebook friends and quickly realized that we had a lot in common... from movies, to decor, to reading material.  This girl and I were cut from the same cloth. The first night we met *for real* was while we were standing in line at Starbucks to caffeine up for a midnight showing of New Moon.  

I can't say enough good things about this girl.  She is one of the most non-judgmental people I have met. She is so positive and easy going.  She is a great mother and a wonderful friend.  She has constantly been one of my biggest cheerleaders for my little business and I know I can always bounce ideas off of her.  She loves my son and he adores her (and her boys!)

I have known this day was coming for the past few months.  Her husband got a job in Alabama and they put their house on the market.  Earlier this month, they found a buyer and they moved on Sunday.  I am so glad that they did get an offer, as I can only imagine how hard it has been to have a long- distance marriage.  Now, I know that we will keep in touch... I am just going to miss planning pedis and having her less than 5 minutes away.  

So love your girlfriends, near and far... ones you have met and ones you have yet to meet.  They are so very important and special.  And, for my friend who moved away... you are dearly missed already.  Text me your paint colors *wink*

bye for now~

beautiful photo may be purchased here


  1. i know that if we lived closer, we would get into SO MUCH fun mischief together! You've always felt like a kindred spirit. :-)

  2. I have been without a good friend for a long changes mostly...but have recently found that my SIL and I are so alike in many ways and we have really formed a's been so wonderful to get to know her better. Good friends are a blessing to treasure!

  3. What a sweet, sweet post. If the friendship is strong enough & meant to be a lifelong thing... you will both make it work. That's when you know a friendship is the real deal. It can withstand anything, including distance!!

  4. Such a sad/sweet post. There is some distance between you at the moment, but your friend will need you more than ever as she finds a new path on the journey she is on. Keep in touch, skype, and continue to be each others cheerleaders! Life is full of adventures, some of them mean moving away from family and friends we love, but, it is so important to embrace these adventures because they become "our" story and make us who we are!
    Hugs to you and your friend!

  5. Michelle, I am so sorry about this hardship. Your friendship will only grow stronger, this we know. Take care and thank you for sharing.


  6. I know you are so sad to see your girlfriend go, but I am sure you will keep in touch and meet up a couple times a year for those pedi's!! And of course you can stay in contact through pinterest and your love for Robert! :) hang in here sweet girl!

  7. Hey, girl! I am sorry that your friend is moving away. I know that must make you sad. I bet you will have fun visiting her and discovering great new places together! I am working on my blog post of your shop. Do you mind if I copy the photo of you from your blog? I would email, but I don't want to configure outlook! Thanks!

  8. AW, so sorry your good friend moved away, that is so sad. Losing such a wonderful friend is a big and hard adjustment to make. I moved 1000 miles away from my best friends and family for my husband's work and it sucks. I miss them all so much and our visits go by too quickly. Thank God for modern technology or I would be climbing the walls!

  9. Friendships are so important and nurturing them is just as rewarding! Sweet post! This past month i was able to carve time out for two great coffee dates with my girlfriends were we sat in the coffee shop for three was fantastic...i came home absolutely rejuvenated!
    It's so nice to be back and visiting you again!
    Happy March friend,


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