Knitting and Purling

It's official.  I love knitting.  I don't think there was any doubt that I would, but I now have had 2 back to back knitting projects that are finished.  Well, except for blocking, but I get so excited once I cast off, that I just decided to call these finished.

I found the pattern for this one on Purl Bee.  I already had some beautiful yarn on hand so I modified it just a bit with a smaller needle.  This is actually the first scarf I finished for myself.  

This one is one that I just picked some yarn and a stitch and just started.  There is no rhyme or reason to when I switched colors, I would just decide to change when I got tired of one of them.

I used a seed stitch and some super soft organic cotton.  I have some more of the same cotton in different colors and I am holding myself back from casting on so I can do a little stitching.

I do think I need to branch out and do something other than scarves, since they are a little time consuming.  I would love to knit my boy am oatmeal sweater!

I am prepping for a sale at the shoppe July 12 and 13th. I have been painting a lot over the past 2 weeks.  More on that soon~

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I can crochet but simply cannot knit. I think it's so ingrained in me to use ONE hook that the TWO needles drive me nuts -- LOL. Your project is beautiful.


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