Black is the new Black

Last week I tackled a project that had been on my list for quite some time.  The front door needed painting badly.  And, since we live in a subdivision with a HOA, I decided to just paint it black again since I would have to get permission to paint it any other color.  Plus, if I am being totally honest, black looks the best, but I would love to live in a white house where I could change the door color seasonally.  And, I had been wanting to paint the back of the front door... and I really wanted that to be black regardless of the front.  So, I painted it.  And I love the change.

I also hung this big hoop I embroidered with a ribbon and a few tacks tacked into the top of the door.  

Now for the boring, tiny before photos of the back of my front door through the ages (seriously, it isn't a long timeline.)

This is the color that  I most recently had it painted.  It was leftover paint from the dining room and I was just so tired of looking at the white.  I also removed the big painted wood piece and am planning on putting something else there.  I am taking that piece to my booth at Winchester this week when I go to restock.

We have been living outside for the most part.  Eating, playing, reading, crafting... it is all better outside!  We went on a little hunting trip Saturday and I found some treasures for me.  I will share those soon.

Now, I am off to finish up some pieces for some clients!


  1. I love, love, love that you have taken up embroidery! My Grammy and mother taught me. Your door looks beautiful and is the perfect back drop for your precious hooped sampler.
    Your Friend,

  2. Its that change thing us women just have to do! lol. I am going to do mine all in a choc brown...can't stand the hand prints.

  3. I love the black, but what a fun idea of changing seasonally! Gorgeous hoop art!! xo Heather


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