Fresh Year, Fresh Ideas

Happy New Year!  I normally try to think of my new word for my new year on my birthday since it is less than a month before the new year.  This year I delayed it because I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to define this next year.  This word Fresh kept coming back to me.  Everyone gets stuck in a rut, and I was feeling a little stale.  I have several notepads full of ideas for Vintage Junky... not just the shoppe, but my brand as a whole.  But, I was finding that after all was said and done that I wasn't moving forward on any plans.  The house was messy.  I wasn't able to shop for the shoppe as much or updating my etsy shoppe and my local booth  as much as I would have liked.  I looked at all of these things that I wanted to accomplish and I realized what they had in common: time.  Time.  That little thing that there is just never enough.  I wasn't able to create my new designs or take on as many clients because of time.  

So, after much discussion with my Mr. and some friends with shoppes and some friends with my best interests at heart, I have decided that the best way to keep my ideas, designs, and shoppe Fresh is to open every other weekend each month... the 2nd and 4th to be exact.  I am always available by appointment if I am in town and I have opened specifically for people traveling from out of town.  The Mr. has been traveling more and more with his business and the baby (big boy now *wink*) would like to tag along with him when he goes to particularly interesting places.  This adjusted schedule will free me up to travel with him when I wish and also to go on treasure hunts more often.  Plus, I will be able to get my client's pieces done faster as I only paint Monday- Thursday.

Along with my word Fresh, I have also committed to myself to Make something everyday as my Project 365 on Instagram (my handle is thevintagejunky)  Even if it is just a mess or a batch of cookies, making things gives me time to create and come up with Fresh ideas (there's my word again!) I plan to take a photo of whatever I Make and post it to Instagram each day.

Finally, I have been sort of a lazy blogger.  I haven't been able to visit my favorites as much as I would like.  I am hoping to change that too and blog and visit a little more often.  I am filled with good intentions and some big plans for this year.  Things that I am quite excited about!  I am working to make 2013 the best yet!

bye for now~


  1. Sounds like a perfect plan Michelle! Very inspiring. Happy New Year to you and your's.

  2. Hoping everything goes as planned in 2013! Have a wonderful New Year!

  3. Love your word. We all can use fresh ideas! Good Luck with your new chapter!

  4. best wishes for you and the new year! Love your word. I am trying to slow down and be more intentional too. :) Happy New Year!!

  5. i want to do the same the same...make something every single day.
    i just love that idea!
    happy new year friend!!

  6. Happy 2013 Michelle....the 365 plan sounds interesting...humm I will try it too with my everyday cooking, working and cleaning for my family it will make me feel like I am accomplishing goals instead of everyday duties. Thank you for blogging!!!

  7. Best of luck and Happy New Year! (I still need to do my post on the mirror, but I haven't forgotten to send you a link...when it happens. hehe)


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