Bella Rustica 2012: A Recap

Hello everyone!  Well, it is all over this year.  Bella Rustica was a lot of work!  The weeks leading up to the show were a little crazy.  The Mr took Custom Chalk on the road to do a on location chalking for a schmancey wedding (wasn't allowed to take photos of his work... sorry!) about a week and a half before the show. So, we were pressed to get items finished and moved to the show.  We took at least 3 trailers full of *stuff* to the show and also had to haul Hazel.  When I got there to work on Thursday, it looked a little something like this...

I was a little overwhelmed for a minute, but then I dove right in to get it finished for the show the next day.

We had a loose *old school* theme with lots of old globes, reading charts, chalkboards... the Mr. created an arbor to welcome guests to the booth and to give it a school yard feel.  

He even found an old bell which was broke by this guy:

This little man had a grand time running around like crazy and making friends with the other kids there.  At one point it seemed that he had disappeared while we were setting up.  Luckily I quickly found him.  I was even luckier to have my sister come and entertain him for the next 2 days.  They hung out in Hazel and ate quite a few ring pops while the Mr and I worked the booth.

And, we were busy!  I tried to snap some shots before we opened each day, but it was pretty dark in there.  I had also planned on instagreamming the day and the experience and the people we met, but we had terrible reception in there, so the photos wouldn't post *frownies*

The Mr. chalked me 2 huge boards for the show and I love how they turned out.  I am hoping to keep at least one for the shoppe.

We had a nice, wide booth this year that Hazel was able to fit in instead of her being separate, which helped immensely!

We had been collecting school stuff for a few months to bring this all together.

I love globes and they were a big hit at the show too!  Lots of them found new homes!

This  was a little bit of a slow time.  We had a primo location... right across from the stage and pretty close to the fried pickles.. the only fried food I really like!

My original plan was to set up Hazel like a little camper homestead with a clothesline and a yard.  We weren't able to do exactly that, but I still managed to find a vintage clothesline and hang some towels to sell.

One thing I really love is lighting... I mean, I love most vintage items, but I LOVE creating lamps and lampshades. 

We created some out of vintage porch columns and ours have the cloth cords and pretty sockets too.

I finished a pair of chairs for the show and I think I will have to have them cleaned now.  It was dusty in there!  I am having to dust all of our goods before they come back into the shoppe.

The Mr. had a few pieces left from a recent show he did and brought them with him.

He was put to work by the vendors.  He is doing a few custom boards for the vendors and this is one that he did onsite for our neighbor Cat's Carpetbags.

Okay, onto *regrets*  This year I totally planned on getting photos of the other booths and the other vendors and guest... this year Donna from Funky Junk Interiors  was there (and quite the sweetie!)  But, we really didn't have time.  The last afternoon I went around and shopped a little.  I had heard that a Wolf dress form was sold on the first day *sobs*  That is one of the things I have been lusting over.  I did come home with a really cool suitcase from a local vendor, but I was mostly empty handed.

I pined over this piece... it was in supremo condition and was only $250 and was way more fab in person.  But, the fact is, it just doesn't *go* in our home.  It is the red I think.  But it was so fun!

One thing that I am SUPER DUPER excited about is something I traded these sconces for... Sweet Deann fell in love with them.  And, I have admired her work since I met her last year at the show.  She is simply a doll!  She asked the Mr to come down to her booth to pick out some paintings.  Well, that night I had a brain storm... I thought it would be great to have her paint Hazel.  Luckily, she thought it was a great idea too!  So, in a few months, we will get our very own piece of commissioned art!

Like I said earlier, we had a great spot right across from the stage.  There were some great act like Cheyenne Medders with his wife Priscilla.  We purchased all of their cds.  They have a great folksy sound that I love.  And then, after them came the Secret Sisters.

  I hadn't heard of them before the show, but the Mr had.  Wow... they were wonderful!  The Mr. had some forethought and got them to pose in front of Hazel.  Was it forethought or a crush?  hmmm... *wink*  Anyhow, they were lovely with even lovelier voices.  And so sweet to chat with.

So, after 3 days of hard work and sales something is bound to go awry.  The week before the show, we had an eventful evening when the Mr. slammed the door into the cooler and it shattered the window.  Then, when when he went to leave, the car wouldn't start since some little hyena was "driving" me around that afternoon and had left some lights on.  THEN, when I went to pick the Mr up and jump start the car, it was out of gas.  So, we were pretty sure that the *fun stuff* that makes you say *bad words* was all behind us.  Then this happened:

Fun, huh?  The Mr. was the last to leave the show Sunday night and the lights had been turned off where he couldn't see well to back up (and it was raining... and he was out in the boonies...) anyhow, he cut it too sharp and landed the trailer off this 3 foot drop off.  Nice!  It took a tow truck and a tractor to get the trailer back on the road... it was filled with furniture and other goodies left over from the show.  Craziness, I tell you!!  

So, between the show and the excitement of this little incident, we have decided to take it easy this weekend and close the shoppe to take a little road trip or relax or clean the house.  It hasn't really been decided yet... we just need a change of pace this weekend.  

So that's all folks!  I will be back soon with some photos from the shoppe and the changes around the house... I have a brand new slipcover that I want to show you, but someone needs to buy my other sofa first!
bye for now~


  1. it sounds like it was quite the adventure - but your booth looked terrific - I'm lusting over those lamps!

  2. Phew! I am exhausted just reading this! I hope you had a great (and profitable) go enjoy some well deserved quiet time!

  3. love it! I fell in love with those paintings...there were quite a few my mom and I wanted to take home! :( I'm w/ you on the fried pickles... L wanted fries so badly, so we ended up waiting in line for AN HOUR for them!! No way I was going to resist the fried pickles at that point. ;)

  4. What a weekend! You deserve to do NOTHING this weekend!

  5. Great post! I can say we have had quite a few moments like the last part for sure! Rest up! You deserve it! Can’t wait to get my chalk art hung! I will send you pictures!

  6. Wow, what a neat weekend, and oh how I wish I lived closer!! Everything was so beautiful and sweet! xo Heather

  7. Wow, what an amazing collection of beautiful things! Wish I could have come by and spent all my money!


  8. Oh wow, looks like a wonderful show! I love those chalk boards and many other things.... I've had someone come up to my handbags and pick it up and say right in front of me... oh this is how she did it, she cut it on the bias... I said no I didn't. and she said they would be simple to make and the very next year, she came back to my booth and made more snarky remarks about cutting on bias, a real peice of work!

  9. Ohhhhh your booth looked so nice. I love Hazel!!! Adorable so glad she could join you in the booth. How cute is that!!!! I saw alot of treasures I would love to have. Great post.

  10. Great photos so wish I could have gone and I love the chair with pillow. Can I ask? do you know what the tool is on the chalk boards to make the fine lines? Have a good day!

  11. My mom found your blog when googling for Bella Rustica a few months back and sent it to me. I subscribed then. Love it. We went to Bella Rustica and I didn't make the connection between the two but LOVED your booth, in fact your Mr. commented on a shoe sign I was holding and told me that Yarrow Acres in Franklin had a hand sign that matched and wrote it down for me. I blogged about Bella Rustica and of course Hazel is in there. So cute she is!! I will link your blog to it now that I've made the connection. Wish we had met now. Awesome job and loved the Mr.'s signs and your booth was great!! For some reason I thought it was with Donna I guess because she was standing outside of it when I saw her. (That is a compliment) Katey

  12. So much inspiration in all those pictures. You two are such a talented duo!

  13. I thought you guys did a great job decorating your booth and we also were thrilled to see Hazel!! All the details were so appreciated!! My best friend, Sandie, and I love visiting your shop and enjoyed looking around at your goodies! Thanks for all the time you took to make it look fantastic!!

  14. I found you while looking for followup on Bella. I remembered your trailer from last year! I didn't get to come this year as we were out of town, but I was chomping at the bit to go. Looks like you had a wonderful booth. Thanks for sharing the "adventure"!!!

  15. Oh ! Wish we had been there.. looked like some nice things. Thanks for sharing..
    so sorry about the mishaps at the end. Sounds like you had a great time in spite of it all.
    We will be traveling to TN in about two weeks or so- maybe I will stop in and meet you.
    I have been wanting to see your shop. Fun, Fun !


  16. You, the Mr., and Hazel were highlights of BR! Your booth looked FANTASTIC, the attention to detail and the perfect styling -- all just perfect "old school" vintage-y! I got some marquee letters from you (wow, scored an "E" for my name on Sat, after missing it on Fri!), and lunchroom trays! Hoping to visit your shop next time I'm in the Nashville area!

    Elizabeth in Huntsville

  17. YOU were the one vendor I was so looking for at BR! And I was not disappointed! I spoke with you in your booth, but it wasn't until I encountered you again (outside the port-a-potty!) that I mustered the courage to say how much I enjoy your blog. I do look forward to seeing your lovely booth there again next year, and certainly plan to find my way to your shop sometime soon.

    (following Elizabeth's lead . . .) Deb, in Rainsville, AL

  18. You truly have beautiful things! You and your husband seem to be quite the talented dyanamic duo! Love the photos! Good luck with Hazel! I'm sure it'll turn out great. I'm going to start following you!

  19. The chalk stuff is so cool- I love the "ology" ones! Is he drawing with real chalk or something special? And/OR, does he fix them so they stay? Just wondering how that works. The Mr. is very good at that!

  20. Yikes about the trailer! Hope you had a FAB show - your booth was AMAZING! Great job!! What kind of "chalk" does the Mister use?


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