Shoppe Talk

Hello all!  I have been absent again for a bit.  I have been totally distracted with all the new (old!) furniture that we got last week.  Almost all of it needs some TLC with a swoop of the ole paintbrush.  So I have been working on those pieces in between the normal life stuff.  It is freezing here in TN!  So, when I wanted to unload the trailer on Saturday to get to all my goodies, the Mr. reminded me just how cold it was, with the wind chill.  So, I decided that maybe this week I wouldn't unload the trailer.  
But, then, a large piece sold and I can't just leave a hole that big on a Saturday.  I got my wish!  The Mr. got to work on unearthing a large farm table with original paint!!

When paint is this chippy and perfect, my paint brush won't go anywhere near it!  It is a pale green on bottom and a pinky hue on top!  We dreamed about it a little and decided that whoever built it used whatever paint on hand.  So, glad he or she did~  

I also have a few of these little stools in the shop.  I just love them!  We have a larger one in the house for baby hughes to wash his hands.  They are just so cute *smiles*

We also have lots of chippy ironstone and restaurant ware plates and mugs too. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day.  We had a quiet, but yummy dinner at home.  I am off to the shoppe in a bit to take down the remainders of the Valentine's decorations and possibly add something else *wink*

bye for now~


  1. The farm table is spectacular! I don't know if I could part with that! And I'm so jealous of your bike. I've been on the hunt for a few weeks now, but no such luck.


  2. gorgeous, Michelle! Your displays are always so inspiring, and I still smile at how often the things you do are things that I can only wish for someday :) I saw an old bike at the government salvage store here last year and thought, Hmmm. no money to get it right now, but wouldn't it be cute painted all white and sitting in front of my booth as a little welcome... ;) Love your goods. so glad business is going well.

  3. Love that plank top! What a great idea! Hey! I have a base with original yellow chippy paint and a hideous plywood top...hmmm...inspiration has struck! Thanks!!!

  4. Oh that table IS perfect "as is" and I love that little stool too. Well, everything is just beautiful -- how wonderful to have so many treasures and projects!

  5. i love that big farm table too. what a perfect find.

    jw lover too

  6. Oh my goodness, that table! It's wonderful.


  7. Love everything....I don't have room for the table...good thing (that's my husband's voice) LOL

  8. Your table is fabulous...what a find!! I'm all ready to go on a hunt now :) And, as always, your shoppe looks wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing and continuing to inspire!!

  9. Your shop looks soo cute. If I ever get to TN your shop will be my first stop for sure. Love that table!

  10. You are just a magnet for awesomeness.

  11. Your shop is SO cute!
    That table is absolute perfection, too!!!!


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