Hunting 2012

 Hello all!!  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!  I skipped out a little early from the shoppe so the hyena could take a nap and instead of cleaning up the remnants of Christmas and the dishes, I thought I would share what I will be hunting for in 2012.

For the Shoppe~

I would a vintage cash register for the shoppe.

And, I also have my eye out for some vintage price holders... I would have my resident graphic designer make me up some cool, vintage-y price signs.

And, a farmhouse table... for the shoppe... maybe move it to the house when I get tired of looking at it there *wink*

I have a repro dress form, but I would like a vintage one... one can live at home and the other at the shoppe.  I like to call that a win-win!

I would also love to have a rack like this one for my kitchen... I am thinking ironstone bowls would be perfect on it... and I just happen to have a *few* ironstone bowls!

I am also wanting to find a really cool vintage piece... like a library cabinet or something with patina and charm... here is another I love!

More~ I want more vintage trophies and loving cups

I am also wanting to trade out our side chairs in the living room.... something with a bit more detail or lines.  The ones we have are nice, but I want something a little more... different, I guess

Mr. Hughes has been wanting to do this for awhile... I love the look!

These are nice... probably a bit too fancy for our space though

These are so fun!  Love the color combination!

If you would like the sources or to follow along on what I am hunting this year, here is my pinboard for finds I would like to acquire this year.  So, what are YOU looking for?  Vintage-wise *wink*

Okay, be back soon with some shoppe photos... we added a organic soap line this week!  They smell great!  Oh, and also, I will have a little giveaway next week as well!

bye for now!


  1. wow those chairs are so the beige ones and the yellow ones are so cool...

  2. love all the things you will be hunting for...I may have to copy you (if you don't mind!?) and do a similiar post - great idea!
    wishing you a happy new year!
    amy of four corners design

  3. NEED those French chairs! They would be PERFECT in my living room!

  4. i hope you find all the goodies you are looking for. nothing better than old farmhouse tables. i have a thing for tables. i am looking for a vintage dresser to use as a tv stand. hopefully i will find it soon. i am not a very patient person. have a great day.

  5. I'm your newest follower! LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff!Happy New Year!

  6. Michelle, I LOVE this post. I want so many of the same things, Lol! And a few I have in my warehouse. I going to need to bring a trailer full when I come your way?



  7.'s all so lovely! good luck on the hunt! happy new year friend!

  8. Love your list!
    I wish you could make it down here, I know where you could pick up an amazing vintage French cash register for a pittance. It's heavy as heck, though.

    Wishing you and your beautiful family a blessed and Happy New Year!

  9. I saw a dress form from Paris in one of the antique shops in Franklin...sorry can't remember which one since we were going from one to the next.


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