
hello all!  how are you today?  how am I? Let's see... I am 33.  Yikes!  Where have my years gone?  I don't enjoy wrinkles or a less than 20 bum, but I have always liked birthdays.  And I think I sort of look at them a bit differently.  Just like my true Mother's Day doesn't happen in the middle of May.  My Mother's Day happens at the beginning of sweltering August when baby hughes was born.  I sort of look at my birthdays as my New Year.  I think if you think on it, you might too.  It is the beginning of your New Year, your next one.  You have 365 days behind you of good memories and 365 before you of a blank slate.  365 days to be what you want to be.  Now, I am realistic, I am 33 and NASA stopped the big Space Program so I am not going to be an astronaut.  And, I am never going to have a wonderful singing voice or be 5'10." Many people choose a word on January 1st that they want to define their year, so here is mine *Genuine*

First off, doesn't it have a lovely ring to it?  I love the word!  And, up to this day, I have strived to be just that, genuine, even though I never really put it into thoughts or words.  I think it is the best way to be.  Am always successful?  Nope.  I do try though.  So, what do I mean by being *genuine*  I guess it just boils down to being yourself.... good and bad.  Recognizing your faults (ugh!) and try to do more good than harm.  For instance, I know that I am a sponge.... I am so affected by other's moods.  So, I try to surround myself with positive, happy people.  Deep down, I am a happy person even if I let foul moods affect mine.  

yes, I own this shirt... maybe I will wear it today... found here

This New Year, I want to be the best, most genuine Michelle I can be.  Extra silly, sort of clumsy, off key singer, Harry Potter reader, absent minded, loud talker.   I want this word to define me for the next year.  I want people to know what they mean to me.  I want to be a better mom and wife and friend and daughter and sister.  

I look back over all the changes that have occurred in the past 365 days and all the possibilities that lie ahead in the next 365.  I would like to think that I didn't get here by being who people want me to be, but by being myself, in the best way I can.  This next year, I am going to own this word.  

Thanks to all of you for all of your wonderful support over this past year.  It has been one of the best... but I always say that *wink*  I will be back soon with some Christmas decor... but today, I am going to enjoy my cupcake.

bye for now!

in true Michelle fashion. I drug the 1st image from somewhere in the depths of pinterest instead of pinning it... maybe it wasn't working properly.  So, I am taking a long way to say, I don't know exactly where it came from.  Let me know if you know and I will give credit to the source!


  1. Happy Bday girly! 33 is a good number, enjoy! Loved this post...Amen to being "genuine", a word worth striving for....Maybe our Politician should take a less from "the Vintage Junky"! HAHA! BTW, I am really excited to see your Christmas Decor, your house was one of my fav's last year!

  2. Happy Birthday Miss Genuine!! I am 34....barely. I will be 35 in a little over 3 months. Sounds crazy, but I still feel like I am 25 (but dig my 30's way more! ;)
    Enjoy your special day missy.

  3. Hi Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas too. My name is Cindy and I live on the Central Coast of California. Stop by my blog, I have a vintage garland tutorial and giveaway you might like. It has that junky factor going for it.

  4. I love this post and the shirt! So cute, I pinned it! Happy Birthday! I can so relate to it all! I am 34, a loud laugher, pretty darn clumsy, super forgetful, a lover of all things Vintage and cute!

  5. happy late birthday sweet lady!! i hope your day was magical. xoxo
    i have missed so to catch up on all your posts.


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