I strive to be.....


I think I may have coined a term (in relation to pinterest)....use it.  Love it.  Pin it!

If you are looking for me... I will probably be wasting some time here.

bye for now!!


  1. I want to be in that dress, on that bike! Sooo cute! All the pics are fabulous...ciao...


  2. Girl, you ARE pinworthy!
    Ain't it a blast? :-)

  3. Love pinterest! and I think you did just coin a new word. Oh, but the pressure, to be pinned... LOL! Pretty sure there are things you posted that have been pinned.

  4. Love the map with frame in front. What a great concept. Yes I need to start pinning again. I have so many things I forget about if I don't pin it right then.

    can't leave comment for some reason.

  5. Love that top image so much!! The yellow dress is pretty amazing too...totally pinworthy ha!

  6. I just started my own pins a few days ago. Still haven't had much time to look around much but I'm sure that will come SOON!

  7. This is a serious addiction for me. I have lost lots of sleep due to pinterest, but I just can't help it:) Love your collection here.

  8. Just found your blog from The Busy Bee! Was working at Bennie Barn yesterday and had a couple of mins to read the issue and seen you blog address! Glad I found you!

    The first photo in your post is a friend of mines guest cottage in Texas!

    Have a great day!



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