He gets me

Hello everybody!  Hope you guys had a great weekend!
We didn't get a chance to work on Hazel as much as we wanted, but I hope to get her here this week to wash her and work on some things.  I did pick up some yellow paint to give her a little splashy stripe though.  We really love her.  I can't wait to get started.  And, to think, she wouldn't be with us if it weren't for Mr. Hughes.  

I have talked about him being my cheerleader and my best friend, but the guy really gets me.  And we feed off each other... wait.. that sounds kind of gross.  You know what I mean though, right?  I really wanted a vintage camper, so he went and found me one.  He went and checked it all out.  He is all for me fixing that girl up and doing stuff with her.  Not only does he help me follow my dreams, but he adds to them.  The man is full of great ideas.  Some of them I am not always on board with, just like he thinks that some of mine are off the wall.  One of his latest great ideas for Miss Hazel?  Showing 8 mm movies on the side of her... he happened upon a projector the other day and got it working.  He bought an old reel at the flea market to test it out and it works. 

 It is just little things like this that I just know.  We were meant to be, as cheesy as that can sound.  If I would have ended up with anyone else, I probably wouldn't be doing what I am doing... I wouldn't be who I am.  I think that is what the perfect match is... it is imperfect.  But that person brings out the best in you (most of the time *wink*)  That person lets you be who you are.  Sometimes it is so hard living with another creative soul.  The messes in this place can be completely out of control.  And the hours we keep can be wacky.  I wouldn't trade it for anything though.  I love our little life.

After a long day of moving furniture to and from booths and storage units, before he did anything else, he downloaded and emailed me this:

A beauty shot of Hazel in her before state at our friends' place.  Doesn't she look so happy out there with the hay bales in the distance and enjoying a great sunset?  So, Mr. Hughes, if you are reading (and you probably are!) Here's to you.  I love you for sharing and making my dreams better than I could have imagined.

bye for now~


  1. That is the sweetest post about you and your soul mate. I love the idea of playing movies on her. We do outdoor movies every summer in our yard...so much fun.

  2. Your Hazel is GORGEOUS! She looks like she's in wonderful shape and has been well cared for. You must be so thrilled to have her. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do to her! Right now I'm renovating a 1975 Scamp(13 footer)named Snowberry because he/she? looks like the berry from Creeping Snowberry (Gaultheria hispidula). Congrats on having such a beautiful treasure!

  3. Your Mr Hughes sounds awesome and his pic of Hazel is a beauty! :-)

  4. Great camper, that last picture of Hazel is wonderful with the sky like that!

  5. Aw, Michelle! This post makes me so happy! :)

  6. You are so very lucky, not everyone has that.
    I think the fact that you realize that makes it all that much sweeter. :-)

  7. What a beauty Miss Hazel is! I am so lucky to have met my perfect match, someone who always supports my many dreams and backs me 100%, even if they only last two weeks hehehe! Have a delightful week =) Xoxoxo

  8. Awww what a lovely post. So simple and sweet. I am a new follower :)

  9. Aaaaww... that's just so sweet. I've been married almost 18 years, and I'm still crazy about my hubby. Funny thing though, people think I lie or at least exaggerate when I say so. But you know what I mean!


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