Organizing My Thoughts

hello there!  How are you?
My head is so full of *stuff* 
Are you ready? Here we go!
  • See the above photo.  That is straight out of the camera... did you have any doubt? heehee Anyhow, my peonies have exploded this week.  I feel a strange pride that I planted them from tubers and that they have flourished enough for me to cut them and bring them inside.  I love fresh flowers and the selection at the Kroger is unsatisfying.  Plus, these are free.  I am wondering if there is any reason I shouldn't be cutting them all and bringing them in though.
  • Have you ever had so much to do and things you want to do, so you decide to do nothing?  I really mean, nothing... except fold laundry and get lost in pinterest? Okay, I believe there was also some bubble blowing and a trip to Target and a walk, but really nothing that needed to be done.  And, you know, I am started to wonder if lazy is my true nature and that it is coming out now.  Not worried, mind you.  Just wondering.
  • I am also wondering what my "schedule" is going to look like when I am at home all the time. I am laughing inside because while I like to plan things like birthday parties months (ahem... years) in advance, we aren't really scheduled.  We will be in big trouble when the hyena starts school, as I hear they encourage school age children to be on a schedule.  Right now, we are rolling with it.

  •  Are you wondering if anything has made me question my decision to live frugally and not have a job? Well, true to form, it would be the clock above.  Gorgeous.  Love it.  I could work 2 more weeks and afford it.  That is assuming that the Mr. would let me spend that entire paycheck on it.  It is Swedish and while it isn't a true Mora, I love it all the same.  It is different and has a lovely face.  I did mention that the traditional gift for 5 year anniversaries is a clock. (Back me up here, ladies!)  I know that it isn't really, but it didn't stop me from saying it. Oh well, being with my bambino is better.  And just so you know, I consider true friendship anyone who is willing to scheme with me on how to fulfill my vintage cravings.
  • As of Mother's Day, I am a proud owner of a Kindle.  Now, I did tell Mr. Hughes that letting me quit the full time gig was enough of a present, but he went above and beyond and got me one.  Which makes me think he wants me to ignore him and get lost in book after book?  Not only did he get me a Kindle, but he also bought a cute case off of etsy.  And, just so you know, I consider a mark of a great spouse to know that the cute cover is just as important as the technology... and that I like my margaritas with extra, extra salt.
  • I recently wrote an article for Busy Bee Trader (page 32, if you want to read.) I gave parenting advice.....hahhaa.... from me?  The unscheduled mom?  Well, I gave some tips on how to antique with a 2 year old.  And in the weeks since I have written that article, baby hughes has really tried to prove me wrong.  I wonder if he can read.
  • And, speaking of the hyena, he is turning out to be almost everything that I wished for... almost. Does that sound too mean... let me finish.  Before he was born, before I even knew he was a he, I wrote down some wishes for him.  Like that I hoped he would be friendly... the type of child that will befriend the new kid in class. I prayed that he would be confident.  He will walk boldly up to child or adult and introduce himself with confidence. That he would be a lover of animals... he is a regular St. Francis, actually petting a baby bird last summer. And, most important than any other traits, I wished he would be positive and funny and happy. And he is.  However, I neglected to put on that list.... not scared of riding in a wagon... or swinging... or sliding... My child is fearless when it comes to sticking things in outlets and running into the street (I promise, I watch him, he is just FAST!) When it comes to the playground, he prefers to just talk to people. When I try to put him in a wagon, he screams and wants to pull it.  And I can roll with it. My only concern is that I like to ride rides and the Mr. doesn't.  I was sincerely hoping that with such a tall, bold child that I would soon have a partner in crime at amusement parks.  It isn't looking good.
  • Just to give you another little insight on baby hughes and my wonderful parenting skills...let me preclude this by saying that we are mostly careful about what we watch in front of him.  Case in point, no guns.  Last week at the park, baby hughes was playing with his friend and they both had sticks.  His friend had a "gun" and baby hughes tried to "disarm" him with his "wand" shouting something that sounds a lot like Exspelliarmus.  I told him that I sincerely hoped for his sake that magic works faster than bullets.  Now, before you think I am on my high horse with "no guns" I can assure you pro-gun mommas that he will have water guns when he is older.  I can also tell you that I laughed about the difference between the boys with my friend.  And I can also give you this nugget to make you feel superior to me in parenting strategy.  Have you ever seen 500 Days of Summer?  You know the part where they are picnicking in the park and they take turns saying a certain  word, gradually getting louder each time?  Well, last Sunday at CHURCH, the little man thought it was a good time to recall the word and say it louder. And louder. Now, mind you, I know that word is fine in the proper setting... like a medical office. We just are not that ultra hip family that uses the proper terms of anatomy. And half of me was proud of him that he instinctively knew the best time to use such a phrase for maximum comic impact. The other half of me that worries about listeria and brown recluses, well, that half was mortified. 
 Well, that is all folks. I will be back soon with a less wordy, less insightful post!!

bye for now!


  1. so pretty and romantic!
    love the colours!
    take care,

  2. Your peonies are incredible!!!! SO AMAZING! I want more pics of them, please :)

    My daughter is in pre-school but we really aren't schedule people either. I just feel like every day is different--energy levels, activities etc. I kind of just let them go to bed when they're tired and eat when they're hungry. It works out ok I think.

    Love your Kindle-what a great Mother's Day gift!

  3. Good for you on deciding to quit your job. Having children is in my near future and I can't wait to stay home with them.
    That church story is hilarious. I'm a nanny, and the 3 year old that I nanny is super curious about how babies get into Mom's tummies, and that is just not my job to inform him about, so I ask him what he thinks and let him believe that. His thought is that a baby would get into a Mom's tummy the same way as food, through her mouth. So he keeps talking about women eating babies. It's funny, because he senses that it isn't right, but can't find anyone to explain it to him.

  4. I love that image! I can only congratulate you on the kindle, all I read now is kindle books on my iPad! You are going to love it! X

  5. Michelle -
    Love your peonies as well. My mother had peonies on the farm in several colors that were hand me down plants and I absolutely loved the huge blooms. I agree with above post, more pix. AND I do think you should cut the blooms to your hearts content. Nothing better in the house than fresh flowers.
    Connie (akalou)

  6. Hi Michelle,
    I think it's wonderful that you could quite your day job. Best of luck! You're going to love it... although, remember it's going to be hard work. Cut as many flowers as you want. Life is short, enjoy!!!!

    (Cecilia now a.k.a. ....)


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