Friday Etsy Favorites *Colorful*

Hello and Happy Friday!
The sun is shining, my new clock is tick tick ticking away, and today is going to be a great day!
My moms and sis are coming to visit ME....well, I am thinking they are actually coming to visit baby hughes, but I will be here too.
But, before that, I am going to get a pedi with a sweet friend.
Flip flop season is almost here and I think my footsies need some tlc.
So, I wanted to infuse happy
thoughts into this week's favorites

It is about time for fresh strawberries!  And what a great way to eat them!

Nope, no babies on the way, but if there were... well, this quilt would be perfect!

Hopefully 32 isn't too old to wear this bow since it is on its way to me!
found~ YesJess

La-ove this!!

If I ever get a real, 100% mine shop, I will get one of these.  So cute!

Love the punchy color and sweet flower!
found~ Brydferth

how adorable is this?

I adore mini buntings!  And that font! And the edge!
found~ AshleyPahl

These carnival tickets are so fun... would be great for place cards at a wedding

how inspiring!

Love this bright chunky necklace!
found~ Tessyla

Well, I am off to start the day... with a sink full of dishes....
stinking dishwasher is broken....grrrrr!
Maybe I should have it taken out and add a wine chiller.
Dishes would be better with wine....
Have a wonderful weekend!

bye for now!


  1. I hope that bow isn't too young for a 32 your old, I love it! And we're are the same age, well we will be next month! I love the orange print! How inspiring. Happy Friday!

  2. What great finds! Love the carnival tickets. Have such a great visit with your mom and sis, what a wonderful gift :)

  3. This is such a beautiful round-up! I love every single item you featured. Thank you so much for sharing my "Lovely" card! :)

  4. Thank you for featuring our sign on your lovely blog. We LOVE the the closed sign!!!

  5. So much fun! Love all the pops of color Michelle :) I am really diggin those carnival tix...too cool.
    Have a great weekend sweetie!!

  6. Yeah, I love me some color! while you are geting your toes all pretty, I have mine up on a computer hoping the sweling will go down, with unpainted toes that I can't even really see! :) Happy weekend, have fun with your moms and sister...have a glass of wine for me! and I agree a wine chiller would be better then a dishwasher any day!

  7. those carnival tickets are so fun! i think we're going to do an old school carnival for henry's 7th bday party and they would be perfect!!
    off to check them out.

    oh, and email you back swapper. :)

  8. This is a delightful post. Thanks for sharing!!

  9. love your pics...great colors and those signs are awesome.

  10. you are never too old to wear bows! they are ageless! love everything on here...especially the shut the front door piece!

  11. I love this collection of items! And the bow headband is FANTASTIC!!! 32 is not too old, because I am going to be 36 (WHAT!?!?) and I would wear it.

    Have a lovely week!


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