Garden-y Giveaway

Hello all!  Thanks so much for all the well wishes.  baby hughes and I are on the mend but Mr. Hughes just caught the germies last night.  ICK!
But, I am determined, sick or not, grey nasty weather or not, 
to put some Spring in my step.
And Spring to me means a few things... and gardening is one of them!

I have been carrying these garden tools in my booth for a few months now and the handles are painted my favorite Vintage Junky blue (I sound soooo snotty.... oops!)

Anyhow, they are cute and they are fun and I would LOVE to send someone a set!
And along with the set of tools, I am going to throw in a surprise or a few..... I AM going to a great garden show next week.... the Bloomin Garden Show.
I will hopefully sentence a few plants to die by bringing them home!

So if you would like to win, leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite flower or plant is.
My sweet hubs actually brought me my favorite to plant in the garden last week but then it got too cold to plant them right now and they are in the house dying...

They are anemones 

 Okay, back to how to win.... 
if you want another chance, tweet it and leave a comment.
If you want yet another way to win, visit my website and click the Facebook "like this" thumbs up button and come back here and let me know that you like Vintage Junky on Facebook!
(Yes, people, it is shameless self promotion!)
I will choose the winner on Friday the 8th before I go to the garden show.

oh and the pansies in my baby bathtub were planted last fall... they aren't really THAT pitiful if you think about how long I neglected them!

bye for now!

Sick Day

heelllloo (said hoarsley)
baby hughes and I are sick.  yuck!  I was hoping mine was just allergies, but after he tossed and turned all Saturday night and woke up  Sunday all stopped up, I confirmed there are germies in the house.
So, we are under a self-imposed quarantine away from Mr. Hughes.
We got the big bed
We are downstairs rotting our brains away on PBS.
I have decided that I don't think I like Gerald on Sid the Science Kid.

Isn't this Spring such a tease?
Last week it was 80.  Now it is like 40... maybe colder.  
double yuck!
At least the wheat grass I planted is giving us a little kick of Spring indoors.
It was so easy to plant... I think I may plant another set and rotate these out when this line dies.

Maybe the Easter Bunny will hide some eggs in the grass....
We got the tins from the Dollar Section at Target.
They are perfect to grow grass and I even have some organizing my makeup and some supplies in our studio.

I will be back soon with a Spring-y Garden-y Giveaway
Right now I have a nose to wipe and check a temp
baby hughes just informed me that his temp is 14-14-14.
That can't be good!

bye for now!


Hello there!
As I sit on our back deck, enjoying this simply gorgeous night, waiting on baby hughes to wake up from a late nap and a grilled meal from Mr. Hughes..... well, I can't think of a single thing to complain about.  And, I don't ever get really mushy or philosophical on this blog, but I really think it is the simple stuff that makes me happy. 

Like this sweet chalkboard from my even sweeter friend Tara
I have big plans for this baby, but for now, it is in my kitchen with a quote from my theme song of late

I love the chorus!  And just the all around feel goodness of it.
Mr Hughes kindly pointed out that it should read "I'm"
instead of "I am."  So, I changed it.... but didn't think to take a photo. Heck, that bloomless primrose in the pretty aqua-y pot even makes me happy.

You know what else makes me happy?  This dish rack.  Silly, I know.  You know what is even sillier.... our dishwasher broke last week, and while I know it will get fixed, my first thought was, well, that justifies a turquoise-y vintage dish rack purchase, right?
And, you know what else?  I don't even mind doing those dishes.  Nope, in fact, I dare say I enjoy it.... mainly because for some strange reason the kitchen is staying much cleaner.  And, guess what... the dishes are cleaner too.  
(Ask me later if I am still liking it once I have to clean all the dishes from our little grill out tonight.)

And this is one of my favorite vintage finds as of late...
this sweet step stool.
You see, my baby hughes is rocking this potty training thing, so I see those sweet little feet up there several times a day, washing his hands, pretending one of my beloved ironstone soap dishes is a boat.  
Good thing it is pretty tough and already has a big chip out of it!

And I realize that I just showed you a bunch of "things" that make me happy.
And vintage stuff does.  But, that could be any old step stool from anywhere, and the swelling in my heart would be the same when I hear.... " wash the hands....dry, dry, dry."
 It is the simple little things that I enjoy.
I enjoy being on the deck barefoot in ratty, paint splattered clothes
I enjoy the floors I mopped yesterday.
I enjoy our party lights that are still going after 2 years.
I enjoy my family
I enjoy my life.
Especially once I get that steak on my plate (sorry cows!)

Bye for now!

Friday Etsy Favorites *Black and White*

Hello and happy Friday to you!
The weather here has been sublime for the past few days.  I think I will put my hands into some dirt this weekend and enjoy the weather.
Last week I was really colorful with my favorites, but this week... this week I will give you a color combination near to my heart.
*Black and White*

What an awesome chalkboard!  Since both our moms live in Tennessee a few hours in opposite directions from us, this would be a fun thing to have around the house.

I love vintage clocks and this one is just perfect!!

I think this will be a "must own" for me!  Love the feathers!

love this vintage sheet music!
found~ lapomme

White and scrappy and Union Jack....
does it get any better?

I like the vintage line of signs from this store.... it really will be alright!
found~ evajuliet

How classy and simple is this tee?  Love!
found~ lamarquisedesanges

There is something so fun about a vintage brownie camera!
found~ camelotia

Awesome vintage clock face!
found~ oldcrowfarm

I love embroidery hoop art.  And I adore what the shop owner says in the description... sometimes we have to give into the "wannados"
found~ twigsandlace

So I have no clue what I would do with them beside hang them up or set them on a table, but how awesome are these?
found~ dkgeneralstore

These alphabets on vellum are perfect for the vintage type lover, like me!
found~ GraciesCottage

Ahhh... ironstone... how I love theee...
found~ zinniacottage

What a sweet sign!
found~ shop13

How did more ironstone get in here?
I have no clue....
found~ shophothouse

And how cute is this wristlet?
SO cute that it is in my purse right now!!!
found~ bayousalvage

Well kids, I am going to find some trouble to get into... I am sure baby hughes and I can find something wonderful to do on this Springy day!
Happy Weekend!
bye for now!

busy, busy, busy

Hello all!
How was your weekend?  Ours was quite busy... both of our mothers came to visit.
I finished up a order of my lady silhouette totes for a bride.
So, my home is a bit torn apart from finishing up the totes and making all the flower corsages for them.

But it was fun! I love doing custom orders, especially for weddings... I LOVE weddings!
I also finished up a larger chest... it definitely needed the two-tone treatment to bring out the details.
Don't you think?

This is the Miller.  She is perfect for all the warm, thick fuzzy sweaters that need to go into storage since Spring is upon us!
This time change nearly does me in every year, but I sooooo enjoy the extra hour of daylight.

Last night I felt so tired, but so productive with that extra hour.  Who knows?  I may take up cooking... no wait... scratch that... I just remembered my dishwasher broke, so I am filled up with domestic duties.
But I did order a little vintage dish rack to help me pretty up my new chore.
The kitchen is remarkably cleaner since it broke.

I am planning some fun changes to the upstairs to our home and I hope to share very, very soon!  Just bought some sample cans!
bye for now!

Friday Etsy Favorites *Colorful*

Hello and Happy Friday!
The sun is shining, my new clock is tick tick ticking away, and today is going to be a great day!
My moms and sis are coming to visit ME....well, I am thinking they are actually coming to visit baby hughes, but I will be here too.
But, before that, I am going to get a pedi with a sweet friend.
Flip flop season is almost here and I think my footsies need some tlc.
So, I wanted to infuse happy
thoughts into this week's favorites

It is about time for fresh strawberries!  And what a great way to eat them!

Nope, no babies on the way, but if there were... well, this quilt would be perfect!

Hopefully 32 isn't too old to wear this bow since it is on its way to me!
found~ YesJess

La-ove this!!

If I ever get a real, 100% mine shop, I will get one of these.  So cute!

Love the punchy color and sweet flower!
found~ Brydferth

how adorable is this?

I adore mini buntings!  And that font! And the edge!
found~ AshleyPahl

These carnival tickets are so fun... would be great for place cards at a wedding

how inspiring!

Love this bright chunky necklace!
found~ Tessyla

Well, I am off to start the day... with a sink full of dishes....
stinking dishwasher is broken....grrrrr!
Maybe I should have it taken out and add a wine chiller.
Dishes would be better with wine....
Have a wonderful weekend!

bye for now!

Some News and Some New Pieces

hello!  how's your day?
Ours is rainy, rainy!  But I know that it will pay off when all the green comes out.
Green is my favorite!
So I thought I would show you a few new pieces and share some fun news that I received yesterday.

Someone local found my little blog after Scarlett posted a link.
And, that someone is the publisher for a local antiques magazine, The Busy Bee Trader.
Well, she asked me to write some small filler articles for the magazine!  
Pretty cool, huh?
So, I submitted my first article to her today just in time for the deadline and it should be out in April.
Now, I normally wouldn't share news like this until it is in print, but what the hey... I am pretty excited!

Now, would you like to meet some new pieces... sure you would...

Meet Twiggy!  She also has an identical twin sister named... uhhh... Twiggy!  
This pair of chairs was a little bit of a deviation from my usual style, but they were fun and I la-ove the green fabric on them.

This library table is called Harper.  I painted her a light grey and I think it enhanced the lines nicely.
I think it would be a perfect desk with its small drawer.

And, this bench is much cuter in person... trust me.  It has been so rainy and the Mr. just had to deliver her and take a photo inside.
Anyhow, her name is Sara (after a very sweet friend!)  and very nearly stayed here along one side of my dining room table!
She looks great with pillows on either end... the ruffly linen variety.

Here is a better view of the color along with a repro sign that Mr. Hughes made
He is quite talented!

Well, my sweets!  That is all I have for you today... I WILL be back on Friday with some Etsy Faves!

bye for now!

Recap of the Music Valley Antiques Show

Hello! How are you?
I have been a wee bit of a blog slacker lately.  
I finished another book.  And I really can only ignore and neglect my family in so many ways!
I thought I would show you some of the photos from the Music Valley Antiques Show.
You know, the one where poor me came home empty handed.
There were tons of great items, especially signs, but they were just out of our price range.
Lots of eye candy though...

Like this train schedule board.... I think I may try to make one of these for my little train lover... with chalkboard paint.

There were also a lot of carnival type items, like this old game.

We were really drawn to all the signs... there were so many great ones!

I love this display of catcher's masks.  Power in numbers!

Of course I adored this vintage dress form.

This was one of my very favorite signs... I loved it!  It really deserved to go home with me!

I also really loved this rack... I would love to tear out our pantry and put all our food on this... of course then I would have to only buy things in pretty packaging...

Now, I don't like to talk $$$$ very much, but to just give you an idea of why we didn't take anything home...
this little sign... probably an 8x 14.... well, my dears, it was $695.
Yep.  I didn't forget a decimal after that 9 either.
I am sure it is a very famous sign.

Mr. Hughes oohhed and ahhed over these big barrels... he wanted to use them as rain barrels for our garden.

And we both loved this double birdcage.

So I am going to get my act together and actually post this week.... maybe a few furniture pieces and I have missed doing my Friday's Favorites the past couple of weeks.

bye for now!!