New Booth Piece and Why it Will Cost $50 More

hello there!  I put the finishing touches on  a piece that I am working on to replace the current chest that is in my booth should it sell... I need to have backups with my small space, otherwise everything will be on the floor! Did I tell you that I name my pieces?  I figure if I am up close and personal with them, they might as well have a name.  So, since I was totally inspired by this sweet girl's redo of this piece, and by inspired, I mean I pretty much copied her *wink* I thought it would be fitting to name the piece after her....
 So, Meet Tara...

Lovely and sweet with her perfect shade of blue....

Her layers of character worn proudly....

Perfectly accessorized....

And, just as pretty on the inside with vintage map drawer liners...
 I love special ~just for you~ pretty things....

I rearranged the entry to welcome her while she stays here.  Actually, I think I will have a hard time letting go of this one...doesn't it look perfect with baby hughes' owl pillow?

And, speaking of that rascal, let us go back to the other day while we were working on this chest (you can go make yourself a drink and come back... this may take awhile...)

Well, I was outside sanding down the drawer where we filled in the holes from the old hardware and my two guys peaked their heads out the door... baby hughes had a *surprise* for me which is code for poop.  Somehow there is this unspoken agreement (that I never agreed to) that if I am at home and we have a dirty diaper situation, then I am in charge of it... whatever, I took care of it and asked Mr. Hughes to keep sanding while I was changing the stink. So, I set the rascal down to go out on the deck to switch places with Mr. Hughes ( I was less than 2 steps away from the child on the other side of the glass.) 
Then I heard it....
What was that.... do you have the keys... no... what about your wallet, the key that you keep in your wallet because you have locked yourself out..... no, I don't have my wallet..... cell phone.... no...
OH NO!!!

That sweet, precious little monster of ours locked us out of the house, flipped the deadbolt.  I knew he could do this of course, he is a giant baby and very resourceful.  But, I have always been inside when he flips it back and forth, back and forth.  But, not this time.  I begged him... please flip it back and tapped the deadbolt.  He knocked on the door back at me and smiled.  Begged some more... nope.  Said, do you want to go outside (a sure fire way for me to get him to do something.) he nods... and gets excited... okay, then turn the lock and Mommy will take you out and we can play (the whole time, Mr. Hughes is trying to figure out how we can break down the door without hurting baby hughes.)  I could see that the front door deadbolt wasn't locked, so Mr. Hughes went up front and rang the doorbell to see if the boy would open the door for him (he loves the doorbell.)  Nope, stayed by the back door close to me with a wary look on his face.... this is the child who does not know a stranger... always asking strangers for hugs and to be held....

Then, we realized, this isn't working.... baby hughes went further in the house where we couldn't see him.  I ran next door and begged my neighbor for a phone and a phone book.  Mr. Hughes got our regular (yes, regular, Mr. Hughes has locked himself out more than once) locksmith.  I hear him tell the locksmith... No sir, I can't ask him to let us back in, he is 2.  Please hurry. 

So, Mr. Hughes goes back up front to wait for him and I talk to baby hughes through the door.... no!  don't jump on that chair..... NO!! do NOT unplug that... okay....NONONO!!!  do not plug it back in!!!
He drinks the last of his juice and throws the cup at the window... obviously ticked that I am not filling it back up.

Then he comes up to the door and holds his chubby little hands out to me like
Mommy, pick me up, I want you... 

Then, my sweet old man savior came to the back with my husband and started messing with the door.... baby hughes was sitting at the kitchen table very calm and gives that man his perfect smile.  A couple of minutes later

YES!  I almost pushed the locksmith over getting to my baby.  I hugged him, I kissed him... 
I put him down and he starts digging in the locksmith's tools..... oh baby hughes....
The guy left after we paid him $50 (no, I am not really charging more for the chest)
and I grabbed my baby again and bawled my eyes out so thankful that he was okay, that it hadn't been worse.

I had two large margaritas that night.  Extra salt.

If you would like to see other furniture transformations, hop on over to visit Holly at Life in the Fun Lane

A Whole Bunch of Stuff Smooshed in One Post

Some days you just need to do something pretty.  Saturday, my house was driving me crazy.  Nothing was clean, clutter was everywhere.  So, instead of cleaning like crazy like  I should have, I took a break and cleaned off the dining room table and added a little bit of pretty...

I stepped outside the door  and snipped three gardenias from the topiary and floated them in a bowl of water.  I love this bowl... we got it on our anniversary trip to Savannah.  And, speaking of anniversary, thanks so much for all the wishes.... you want to know what I got?  Well, I got a cupcake cookbook.... I have been wanting one with pretty photos.  And, some other cake decorating books... I am thinking about taking a class soon.  And, just so you guys realize how spoiled I am, here is my big present....

yep... it is a vintage baby bathtub.... and he also got me some dirt and some flowers and here is what it looks like put together...

never mind that spilled dirt... I am a messy gardener

Next year it might be a drink trough, but for now, it is full of flowers.
We went out that day for a couples massage... heavenly... if I was rich, that is something I would have on a regular basis... 

A couple of weeks ago, Mr. Hughes brought home this little file organizer from Goodwill thinking I could use it for display in the booth.

Well, I decided it would be better use here.  My Great White Pottery Barn plates don't fit in our cabinets... the salad size do, but the dinner size don't.  They are ridiculously big... we eat off the salad size.  But, I registered for the set and maybe one day we will just have a giant over for dinner.  I had the plates stacked on a shelf above a table.  And, the top of our fridge wasn't just right, so I redid it.

Not bad for 2.99?  I didn't even paint it like I had planned.

I am working on a piece of furniture for the booth that I hope to show you soon... it caused a little bit of craziness at the Hughes Casa tonight, more on that later... I am going to finish my margarita and snuggle my monster!  bye for now...

My Best Decision

Take one fresh and tender kiss

Add one stolen night of bliss

One girl,

one boy

Some grief,

some joy

Memories are made of this
Don't forget a small moonbeam

Fold in lightly with a dream

Your lips and mine
Two sips of wine
Memories are made of this

Then add the wedding bells

One house where lovers dwell

Three little kids for flavor

Stir carefully through the days
See how the flavor stays
These are the dreams you will savor

With His blessings from above

Serve it generously with love
One man, one wife

One love through life
Memories are made of this
Memories are made of this 

still my best decision ever... 
Happy 4th Anniversary Mr. Hughes

Our First Dance song sung not by Dean Martin, but by Mr. Johnny Cash.

and to level out the mush factor.... a very happy anniversary to a Mr. OJ Simpson and the California Highway Patrol... this was the night of OJ's wild ride

Guest Post and a Winner!

Hey Everybody!  Come join us over at Blessed Little Nest.  Heather asked me to do my very first guest post, so that is where I am today...... and she is hosting a little giveaway from me as well.  This whole week is going to be fun, fun. fun over at her blog, so go check it out!!

Oh and I didn't post the winner to my giveaway yesterday, so here it is... Sheri you are the winner!  Email me your address at and I will send your loot to you!

Have a wonderful, fabulous kind of day!!

Please Join Me

Happy Saturday!  I don't normally get a chance to post on Saturdays, but we are having a pretty lazy Saturday here at the Hughes Casa.  I baked a pie ( I am going to try to keep my hands off!)  I wanted to let you guys in on a fun little blog series that Heather at Blessed Little Nest is hosting next week.  She has invited me and a bunch of talented bloggers to contribute posts and some giveaways... I will be doing both!  So scoot on over there and sign up for the giveaway that she is doing now to kickoff the week long festivities.

Oh, and there is still time to enter my giveaway here.  

bye for now... enjoy your weekend!

Open for Business at The Roost + a Giveaway

Well ladies and a few gentleman, Vintage Junky is open for business!  My tiny little booth in The Roost is jammed full of stuff!  We crammed my mom's SUV full. And, unbelievably, I only came home with one small box of stuff that didn't fit.  We worked for a few hours to get everything just right.  I actually made sales of a few cuckoo clocks while I was unpacking.  Everything went pretty smoothly, with the exception of a few things... I broke another vendor's vase (I paid for it) a light bulb fell out and smashed on the floor, and Mr. Hughes had a swell time trying to get the shelf out of the top of the closet the booth is in.  We came prepared with a plan and a toolbox and everything priced beforehand.  So, without further ado... here is my booth!

I told you it was tiny.... and FULL!  Mr. Hughes made my sign.

My little display cabinet has already sold :(  I really loved it! Oh well, I can't keep it all...

This little medicine cabinet sold as well... this is something that I got a lot of response from when I made one for our laundry room, so I decided to make one for the booth.  And, in the background, the Jacqueline (named after my mom) 3 drawer chest that I worked on... I love the way it turned out.  I wish I had a photo of it by itself.

A Louis  (the Lulu!) chair with some stenciled pillows

The booth needed some light so I covered a naked lampshade with a coffee sack slipcover shade.

Some vintage flower pins

This is one of the items that I have been wanting to do for awhile.  Mr. Hughes helped, of course.  The little shield shapes have pegs that are made out of vintage organ pulls.  I love them!  I need to make some for myself and for my etsy shop.  Oh, and the background is blown up pages from a 1920s French Dry Goods Catalog.

These candles make the booth smell so yummy and they are wrapped in reproduction vintage French candle labels.

I love top hats and they made the perfect display for my new screen printed towels.  I am glad that the screen I had burned about 6 months ago is finally being used!

A few of the vintage items in the booth

We found a couple of concession trays from a ballpark that make excellent shelves.

And a cute little magnet board with button magnets

And, here I am afterwards... sweaty, tired, and very excited!

That was Friday.  Then, on Saturday I went to meet with a lady who owns a shop in downtown Franklin and she is going to carry some of my pillows and bags!  So, a very exciting weekend for me.

I want to thank you all for all your support of this blog and my little shop dreams.  So, to thank you, I would like to do a little giveaway this week...

This vintage grain sack bag with a silhouette of a lady and a vintage flower pin

A cuckoo clock flour sack towel

A little notebook covered with vintage calling cards

All of these items will be added to my etsy shop very soon, but I thought a chance to win them before they are listed would be fun!

So, here is what you can do to win

  1. Leave me a comment on this post
  2. If you are a follower, be sure you let me know and I will enter you twice.
  3. If you want to blog or tweet about it, let me know about that too and I will add you an extra time for each one.
I will draw the winner this Sunday and announce the winner on Monday

 Oh, and if you want to visit my booth at The Roost, here is the address

7307 Nolensville Road
Nolensville, Tennessee 37135

Be sure to visit Three French Hens next door!

Thinking Out Loud

I have so much stuff going through my mind right now.  Like, on the way to work, I decided that all of David Gray's songs have that crazy euphoric feeling of just falling in love... even the sadder ones.  He bottles up that great feeling and belts it out.  Love him!  I also love them though....

Very different, no?
And, I have been thinking about style and myself and how I really don't know exactly where I fit in.  I know what I like, but I like vastly different things. Is this a midlife design crisis?  I hope this isn't my midlife... I am only 31 and I have plans to either be a really sweet old grandma gardener or plans to be a really
mischievous one that says inappropriate things.  

Okay here is a few examples of what I am talking about:

Part of me is this... classic, neutral, still stylish.
 And, the other part of me is more like this:

Bright, fun... pair with some vintage jeans and a cute sandal.
 And it obviously doesn't stop there...

via Domino
This living room is perfection.... but, so is this one

  Found Here
 So fabulously vintage.  Both of them. And, here is one that I have adored for quite some time...
via Domino

here are a few others from someone who has it right: Lauren at Pure Style Home
 She graciously let me borrow some photos...

I am really drawn to the green, of course.  But. also how un-designerish it is.  I mean, she lives here.  And, it is pretty and functional.  With a good amount of vintage.  And, not too much stuff... so well edited.
So, to sum it up.... I like am a dripping crystal chandelier

and a Industrial Pendant

And throw in a coral chandelier as well....
I know we are all a mish mash of ideas and experiences, so I guess I will just live with my classic bohemian vintage natural style.

What are you? What are you drawn to? What style feels *home* to you?

(oh, and Mr. Hughes... if you are reading... I am not redecorating... yet)

We are setting up the booth tomorrow so I hope to be able to share some photos with you very soon.  *Super Excited*

All of you going to Farm Chicks... have a great time... wish I was there!