Saw That, Did This

Isn't this just the busiest time of year?  I realized that I haven't posted in a week, and I have been doing stuff.  We went to a paint your own pottery place so that I could have a custom Santa's Cookies plate.  I wanted this cookie plate WAAY before I even had a child.  And, let me say Baby Hughes is a pro at handprints and fingerdots... and throwing his adorable hat into the paint.  I,  on the other hand, am not so good with the paint... have you ever done this?  It is ridiculous how hard it is to write with that glaze!!  But, I have our cookie plate in all of its imperfect glory.  And, we also met a dear friend in Franklin to go to the Dickens of a Christmas festival... Baby Hughes had a blast with all the dogs that people brought.  And, totally off the subject, but tying into my last blog post of being a fortunate girl... I (Mr. Hughes) scored some David Gray tickets for April... not easy to get in these parts.  Now, let me get back on track...  here are a a couple of simple projects that I completed that were totally inspired by other bloggers and etsiers.

I just adore this photo.  And, I happened to have some vintage silverware around so I did 

I just wired (I like that the wires show) some spoons and forks to a wreath.

I added some bows in bias tape in a silvery color and tied it to our curtain rod in the breakfast nook.  Very, very simple.  I like to call this "A Can Do While the Baby is in the Room Project...." I probably need to shorten that!

Then I saw this:

 This genius idea found here 

So incredibly cute! I love terrariums, so naturally I fell in love with them!  (I even had made a large one in a glass jar until I got scared of the plant that was growing out of control inside of it!) But, they were all sold out  and I already had the tree finished. Next year!  So, I decided to take this:


A mirror that I had been stalking for months at antique store and 


A couple of these adorable vintage baby bottles...  
plus some moss (that I scraped off a pile of bricks in our yard) 
and some greenery from our bushes and the Christmas garlands
threw in an apothecary bottle and some vintage bias tape...
for this:


So easy!  And, I didn't lose any blood!  The best kind of project.  So far, the moss is holding up nicely inside the house.

Well, hopefully we will get enough sunlight so I can take some photos of our vintage charm stockings that I made the other night.

ps the countdown to the 100th post giveaway is on... this is 96...

**linking up with sweet Gina at The Shabby Chic Cottage for Transformation Thursday!



  1. Love the wreath, so clever and crafty!! Merry Christmas!

  2. The WRETAH is FABULOUS... I may have to still that idea for my kitchen so very clever :)


  3. Very nice! I love the wreath and the spoons and forks are so cute for the kitchen!

    I've been absent from blogging too - I haven't been quite as motivated as I thought I would be about Holiday decor! I get depressed taking it down. :(

    Glad you did lose any blood this time around!

  4. Ooooo, love the unique wreath AND the little moss bottles :) You are wicked creative!

  5. I love that wreath!! The inspiration wreath was originally in Cottage Living a few years back. Oh how I miss that mag.!!
    Anyhow, I am really, really loving those sweet little moss filled jars. I wish we had moss in AZ cause your examples are sooooo cute I'd whip some up if I could!

  6. I'm loving both ideas! I can't keep up with the crafty blogosphere! (And yes, you are totally included in that.) ;)

  7. cute cute cute! I am going to also steal your idea and make a terrarium - my 4 year old will be thrilled - she loves fairies so I'm going to make a fairy jar!

  8. Brilliant! It's so darn cute!!!!

  9. My favorite, like many others, is the wreath with the silverware. Very pretty and chic!
    Love it all.

  10. such great ideas! thank you so much for sharing ..
    love them all.. but am really drawn to that little nook in the window.. love the whole look, didn't even notice the wreath at first ..


  11. Love how you adapted the ornaments by using the vintage bottles for a table top vignette...clever!

  12. All the pics are wonderful! You do a great job!

  13. I absolutely love all of your adorable projects!!! Sheesh you get a lot done, especially considering you have a baby! It's practically impossible for me to to anything while my 2 yr old is awake :)

    Oh, and about the stencils...I dug thru the box and only bought the silver/grey stencils and left the bronze ones, no, I didn't do anything to get them that color...

    :) T

  14. So cute...I love the mirror with the jars! I had a tough day and you made me smile talking about scraping moss off rocks...the things we do to decorate! Thanks, Lisa

  15. i love it all! great job! i do love that wreath and that window seat! i guess i need to keep my eyes out for some vintage silver!

  16. That wreath is absolutely ADORABLE!!!! I would LOVE to come peek at every nook in your house to see how cutely you have decorated it!!! So inspiring!!

    Hope your little man is doing well--and leaving the tree alone! Madalyn (3 yrs) has taken a liking to only one ornament this year, so thankfully it's the only one that she touches (so far!!).

    Hugs to you!

  17. wow, you are very talented. i love it when something we see inspires us...and i love your twist by adding the framed mirror. i am a huge fan of vintage mirror...thanks for sharing...jules

  18. That silverware wreath is just the neatest idea! And I would've been stalking that mirror, too!
    Love it all. :-)

  19. Okay Michelle,

    I adore that wreath you made. I would love to make one and put it above my stove. It would look so good there. I'm just not feeling the Christmas spirit this year. So sad. BUT seeing ideas like your wreath really make me happy inside. Thanks.


  20. The wreath looks SO good where you have it hung. The mirror is great. It looks like one I have. I saw it in a closed shop that was a 5 hr r/t drive from my house. And yes, I went back and made the whole trip just to get the mirror when the shop was open.

  21. super cute projects! (at the risk of sounding redundant...copying what everyone else said!)
    Glad to have found you!

  22. Your wreath looks wonderful and I love the arrangement on the mirror. So pretty!

  23. such great ideas! but I always adore your ideas...

  24. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and your kind comments!
    Now tell my WHY did I not see your blog before???
    It is AWESOME!!!

  25. Okay, those are great! I love those vintage baby bottles! I'm glad you were inspired by my chair. It makes me happy since I find your stuff so inspiring!

  26. Love how you did this. You've got a great blog with a terrific title. I really enjoyed my visit. I am now following. Stop by & visit TesoroFino blog more often. Add your email on the right hand column of our blog for instant, hot off the press posts & a chance to win a grand prize!

  27. Really enjoyed your projects today. I have several pieces of vintage silver and I think I still have time to make that wreath for my dining room before my MIL arrives on Saturday. Thanks!

  28. Seriously adorable! I love that idea. The silverware on the wreath is very creative.

  29. I love David Gray so much! Lucky!!! Your projects turned out beautifully :)

  30. love the 'things I can do with baby in the room'. Maybe a blog for that ??? I have a 2 yr old grandson who wants to do everything Gamma does.
    the wreath is gorgeous. would never have thought of old silverware. Love the vintage feel.

  31. I am so jealous!!!! David Grey. Oh my, I saw him about 7 years ago in Austin and fell in love. My poor date at the time. I was drooling.

    And I am soooo jealous of the vintage silverware wreath!! I am missing my box of vintage baby spoons and forks. Can't find them anywhere!! I hang them on my tree but this would look too cute in my kitchen. I have an idea??!! Why don't you go huntin' for some more for me, and some vintage bottles, and then I buy them from you? Great idea!!

    K? Thanks.


  32. Those little terrariums are fabulous. Great job.

  33. I love your style and those stockings are to die for!


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