Vintage Black Friday

I almost didn't title this "Vintage Black Friday."  Too many years working the day after Thanksgiving in a mall has really spoiled the phrase "Black Friday."  But, maybe joining Gypsy Brocante and the others will put a positive spin on the phrase!  On this Vintage Black Friday, I am going to show you a smattering of the black items in our living room.

These are my vintage doorknobs  that clever Mr. Hughes turned into tie backs.  And, my lovely drapes were made by my fabulous mother and her friends...let's just call them the Margarita sisters *wink*

I forgot to mention during my Multiples Party Post that we also have several vintage crufixes throughout our home.  This one is in our living room.

This is one of my favorite flea market finds.  Mr. Hughes found this photo in a box for $1 in Mary's booth.  Mary is an interesting lady to say the least.  Mr. Hughes loves to dig through boxes of paper and photos... I just don't have the patience for it.  This time it paid off though.  This is a photo taken in front of Picadilly Circus.  Mr. Hughes took the handwriting that was on the back of the photo and put it on the front (we just don't have nice penmanship like they used to have.)  Then, he blew it up and had it printed on canvas.  If you look closely, there is a couple in the middle in front of the fountain kissing.

Here is a vintage round table that I painted black.  I love painting things black!!!

This shows a couple of the vintage glass pieces that we have... they are actually deep purple, but they look black, so I think it counts.

Here is a small sample of the vintage frames that we have in our living room.  I find these for a couple of dollars usually and they are lovelified by a coat of black paint.

This is a vintage chair that I think we paid $35 for at Carter's Creek. It was ugly and unloved.  I painted the wood black and sent her away to the furniture spa, where they covered her in a nice black and white ticking.

And, I saved one of my favorite pieces ever for last.  I wish I had a decent photo, but it is raining yet again.  Even more, I wish I had a before photo.  Boy, was she unloved!  I stalked this piece for months.  I would go, visit her and try to convince Mr. Hughes that she could be lovely and fit in the space we had.  Then, I saved up the money and drug him back there while we had my mother's SUV.  I nearly ran to the booth... only to find out that she had been sold.  I am not lying when I say that I teared up and nearly started crying.  Mr. Hughes felt bad.  So, we walked around (while I had lump in my throat) and turned the corner and there she was!!  My big, hideous brown cabinet that had marble on the top and ugly handles.  I grabbed the tag a ran to the counter.  And, here is where she is today:

Oh, what a coat of black paint and some marble pulls will do!  She still has her marble top and now she is so useful in hiding our DVDs.  I will try to get a better photo.  It just doesn't do her justice

Alright, so now go check out all the other Vintage Black Friday posts!


  1. WOW WOW WOW what absolutely beautiful black vintage items you have! That chaire is fabulous. That crucifix is beautiful. I've never seen one with the cross black.

    I may just have to paint some vintage furniture I have black . . . . right now they are hidden in the closet!!

    Thank you so much for sharing!


  2. Oh myyy I LOVE the color of your room! And with the black, it's very nice!!!

  3. Wow! You have some great blackness of ideas through out your home...Anyway love, love, love the picture your hubs found and... what a great idea to have it printed on canvas simply smashing I say... make this weekend a great on e.


  4. I love black as well. It can make just about anything look sleek and classic. That arragement of frames is gorgeous.

  5. Love it, Michelle!!! I AM SO BUMMED I missed your multiples party!!!!!!!! SHAME ON ME!!!

    I am so sorry!! But, I LOVED all that you had to share--so absolutely cute!

    Hugs to you!!!

  6. I don't know who said this but I heard a decorator say there should be at least a little black in every room. So true!

  7. Love, love your colors, alot like mine! I like your curtians very pretty.

  8. Love the photo with the kissing couple I know Mary and she is quite the character!

  9. Awesome vintage blackness! Love what the "spa" did to your chair...ha ha
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  10. Love your vintage black, friend! Loving the vintage door knob tie-backs...a clever idea indeed. Adore your black cabinet! Have a great weekend!


  11. so many things to love! thanks for sharing! especially like the way you've used the black frames on your wall!

  12. I love your photos. So what am I missing? What is vintage black friday again? I added your button. Thanks for adding mine too.

  13. Outstanding ... everything is outstanding!! From floor to ceiling you have done an incredible job with not only your vintage black finds but also with your entire living space ... I'm hooked! Thanks for sharing your inspirational ideas!


  14. love the ticking on that chair!!!

  15. Just fabulous transformations there, I love painting things white but you've made me rethink a bit! Happy VBF!

  16. I like all your black treasures in your home, but I especially like the chair you transformed with black paint and black and white ticking. ~ Sarah

  17. I love it all...great collection of black..the frames are terrific!

  18. Happy Vintage Black Friday, love the contrast of the black and white.

  19. Your home is absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful photos!!
    Happy day.

  20. Oh my goodness!! I have spent so much time studying your last few posts and every detail of every pictures. Very beautiful and inspiring. The gray too. I'm so glad you finally found your "she" marble-topped sideboard and how perfectly she sits in her special spot by the sofa. Meant to be. Another favorite was the clever tray with your logo for the flea market cart. Not silly at all - very classy.

    I'm going to sign up as a follower right now. I have a new blog, Beauty and Blessings, if you would like to stop by.

    Blessings to you and your helpful hubby....

    Cynthia K.

  21. That mirror above your fireplace is stunning.

  22. Beautiful post! Love your style of decorating!

  23. ...thank you vintagejunky for visiting me today, you are VERY sweet! You have a lovely little world over here. I'll be back ;)

    ~michelle xo

  24. Oh, you have worked wonders on these pieces.
    I love the old photo of Picadilly Circus and the chair looks fantastic.I think I love your mum and her friends...not only do they make terific curtains but it sounds as if they like to have a good time....but I have to warn you that I'm coming over to pinch that mirror that's over your fireplace !!! It is sooo wonderful. XXXX

  25. Wow, serious prettiness going on here! LOVE that big mirror above your mantle, that is stunning!
    Hope you win my giveaway!

  26. The black and white ticking is perfect for that chair. Good for you for loving her up and giving her a new life.

  27. well....I love Carter's Creek and I know which "Mary's booth" you are talking about...Crazy Mary! Have we talked before? We need to go shopping...
    Brenda in Thompson's Station

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Everything looks so nice. You need to email Cheri at and sign up for her home tours!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day and for the sweet comment!


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