Furniture Feature Friday

I am  joining Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday and Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Night Special  I have been busy this week working on our bedroom which has been neglected for awhile.  And, the future studio.  I did get one project completely painted in time for this week's party.
Some of you may remember this.

Beautiful as is, right?  Well, I thought so too.  The problem was I wanted it grey.  And, I wanted it in our bedroom. And, it was missing some veneer.   I started playing around one day after I was reading a favorite blog of mine, Peanut Petunia (you guys have met Susan, right?)  And, she was talking about painting two chests to use as nightstands. Well, I have always wanted that, but I could never find the right pieces.  Then, I got an idea.  I told Mr. Hughes to watch Baby Hughes if he woke up from his nap too early.  And, not to ask any questions.  Then I locked the bedroom door (not sure why... he probably wasn't that interested in what I was doing.) Then, I moved around alot of furniture... and the 2 chests fit exactly how I wanted them to!!  So, I left them like that until I had a chance to paint the 2nd one (one has been painted grey for 2 years.)
and here is what it looks like now

I still want to fluff the top and I am planning on adding fabric lining to the 2 tiny drawers just for my pleasure *wink*

Here is what the original chest looks like

Nope, they don't match.  But, I don't mind.  They are almost the same size and that is what really matters.

And, here is they look as nightstands

I am still working on our bedroom, so this is not the final look!  On a side note, sorry for the quality of the photos... it has been rainy and sunny and rainy all day today.

So, now go look at all the other furniture transformations at Miss Mustard Seed and all the partygoers at Funky Junky Interiors. And, have a wonderful weekend and Halloween!


  1. Wow, it turned out great and must add a ton of storage to your room. I really love the lamps!

  2. Beautiful with tons of charm! Love the new look!

  3. HA! I'm the queen of nothing matching and know what I think of it? It brings charm and warmth into a room.

    I LOVE the look, girl! Great call.

    And I'm really liking that pillow on your bed too... are they a hemp material??


  4. I love mismatched furniture. Pieces that you love that just seem to fit together. That to me is decorating. Not buying a whole suite of furniture that matches exactly. It is also so nice to be able to repurpose something. I love the painting as it is and looks great over the dark chest with black shaded lamp. Lovely. Good luck with the final fluffings! Best wishes, :) Tammy

  5. Nothing wrong with mismatched! IT looks like a beautiful transformation! Great job!

  6. they look great! i mismatched things add more character and interest, and it definitely shows more creativity on your part! awesome job!!

  7. You've done a great job and I actually prefer it that they don't match.
    Have a scary weekend. XXXX

  8. I like it better that they don't match. Your room looks great.

  9. Ah...gorgeousness. I have two non-matching nightstands too. But mine are not even close to the same size. Both are antiques though, so that must count for something?!

  10. I am jealous....
    Your chests are divine. I'm on the hunt for some even as we speak.

  11. oh, how I wish I had enough room in our master for a small dresser to be used as a nightstand. I love yours! It looks great painted!

  12. Oh - I love the idea of chests as night tables. Our room is tiny so it would never work but yours looks GREAT!!

  13. wow, how amazing! at first i thought the wood version of the dresser was beautiful, but i do like it painted even more :)

  14. I kind of prefer mismatched night stands. Gives a little more personality! Great job.
    pk @ Room Remix

  15. I love that they are old and mismatched. It is quirky and makes it more interesting. I can't stand matchy matchy. Love the room

  16. They're perfect and I love the aqua lamps, too cute!

  17. Looks wonderful! I love dove grey in a bedroom. And they SHOULDN't match, makes it more unique.

    Great job!

  18. love it!!!! great job!!! what grey did you use...i have been trying a bunch of different greys for a cabinet that i have primed and ready to be painted, but i can't find the right grey. either too dark or purple....thanks, jules

  19. Well you know how much I like grey :) I think it's just perfect!!! And, I like it better when pieces don't match...

    :) T

  20. They look amazing, friend!! Love them! Have a happy weekend!


  21. looooves! Mine STILL aren't done!!! :)

  22. @cheapchichome. I have a dresser I want to paint gray. What color/brand did you use? By the way, I like the fact they don't match!

  23. I love the idea of using dressers as side tables. So much storage! Those look so perfect for you space. I know it's sometimes hard to paint pretty wood, but when the vineer is chipped or damaged, it's just the easiest thing. Also, if you wanted it gray...good for you for painting it gray. I actually have the highboy version of your dresser. I love that style.

  24. Sorry , I am so late - I just joined this morning and then I had to go to WORK - ugh !
    I soooo want a white bedroom now ! LOve it !

  25. that really turned out beautifully! gray is such a great neutral. love it!


  26. They turned out GREAT! I love how they don't match. Looking foward to see the final look.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  27. Oh cool, you linked up to my party too! I get to drool once again in complete and utter envy. :) LOVE the eclectic happy surprise of two different dressers. LOVE that! It adds life to a room.

    Thanks for linking up!

    Funky Junk Donna

  28. It turned out great. I love using chests or small dressers for night tables. So much great storage space. I have two IKEA 3 drawer (same same and boring but functional) dressers for nighttables in our bedroom and am on the lookout for older ones with more character to rehab. And I'm not an expert but I love that they aren't a matching pair, similar sizes and way more character. Thanks for sharing.

  29. I'm not a matchy...match type person. The vintage look goes well with the dressing

  30. Great idea! I love the size of these as night stands!!!!!! Can't wait to see the extras you add!!!! ~Ashley

  31. Love it. Your a great inspiration for my bedroom, which seems similar in style and size. I need those dressers next to my bed too! Love your stuff!

  32. you made it work! Love how you painted them to match and make a set!

  33. I love that they don't match! looks soooo good! Oh how i've got the bug to redo everything..
    happy Nomvember!!

  34. Love the new paint job!!! We just moved a dresser out of our daughter's room and into the family room--needs a coat of paint, too, but haven't decided on a color. This has (once again!!) inspired me! ;)

  35. OMG I just came across yoru blog and I absoluetly love everything about it! I love your style and projects and EVERYTHING! I'm definitly a new follower and look forward to seeing more of your stuff.


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