This is my mother's day

Well, it is official. Baby Hughes is 1! I can't believe that one year ago at 3:17 am this little man came into our lives. After 18+ hours of labor, he came right on time, on our due date. This past year has been so amazing. Even though I loved him from the instant I found out that I was pregnant, I have never been the same since I saw the shocked look in his blue eyes when he was born. I was in love! "They" always say to enjoy the time because it goes by so fast, and it truly, truly does. For instance from this at 3 days old:

to this 3 days ago:

So, since this is primarily a blog about my obsession with vintage treasures and all things home related, I thought I would share some photos from Baby Hughes' nursery. This is the growth chart that Mr. Hughes made. We need it...he started at 22 inches and he is off the height charts!
One of the scrapbook paper plaques I made.
His cute bedding from Land of Nod. I am not usually so "themey" but I really loved the argyle and the animals were so cute that I had to have it.
Some book racks that Mr. Hughes made (isn't he so wonderful and handy?!)
The alphabet lines 2 of his walls. We just enlarged and printed out a font we liked and tacked them on the wall.

And, the project that took the longest for Mr. Hughes to complete. The changing table. It took him forever to sand and paint it. But, it turned our wonderful and I think we seriously paid only $50 for it.
I would love to show you more photos of his room, but we can't find the photo files right now. Now, I am off to bed so I can wake up early and spend my day off with my 1 year old!


  1. Yes they do grow pretty fast. My little one is suddenly 3. I have no idea how that happened! Love the baby room.

  2. Congratulations to you and happy birthday to baby Hughes! Such a handsome little guy :)

  3. Oh, Michelle, I TOTALLY know how you feel! Our daughter will be 2 in December. It doesn't feel like it's flown by, but it surely has. I was looking at the scrapbook I made for her the other day, thinking how tiny and helpless she was, and, of course, getting all emotional. I look at her now and she is talking, and running and exploring. Man...I just can't believe it. So, Happy Birthday to Baby Hughes and enjoy every moment of it! :)


  4. You are blessed! Just happened upon your blog today. I love the baby food jar project. It is so me. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I absolutely LOVE the growth chart! You should market these...and yes...time will "little man" will be 25 this October, stands 6'2" and is leaving for Marine boot camp...but he will always be Mum's Big Boy!! I have a paperweight that expresses my wish for you,Baby Hughes and Mr. Hughes, "May the happiest days of your past, be the saddest days of your future!"
    Mary Frances

  6. Just wanted to post how I'm loving that owl plaque you created. Just adorable.

  7. Happy birthday, Baby! What a cute nursery. Great shade on the walls!

  8. Hello Michelle - Happy Birthday to Baby Hughes! He is so cute sitting there on his bed. Love the monkey. That time really does go by fast, but I know you've enjoyed every minute and what a blessing that is! Love his nursery. That changing table is FAB!



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