hello! Well, last weekend at the shoppe was the last weekend at the shoppe. I explained it all here last week. It was wonderful! Almost all our favorite people came in, some with treats in tow *wink* And, while I know that we are going to have sales on the lawn when it is nice and I know the friends I made there are for life, I was still a little sad yesterday. I went in to paint a few client pieces and decided to take down the open/closed sign on the door permanently along with the hours decal. And I was sad. This little shoppe has been a dream for so long and while I am happy with the direction it has taken me, change is still hard sometimes and it is almost always bittersweet. Over the next week or so, I hope to give the place a through cleaning... you imagine it gets a bit dusty in there *smiles* ...and get the front spic and span so we can make a proper studio for the Mr's work. We have worked in the same space before, so I am hoping that we can still get along *double, triple wink*
But, there are plusses to to not being committed to a shoppe that you run yourself. Like, going to the farmer's market on Saturday. And, signing the little man up for soccer and us both being there for the games. And, the chance to travel over the weekends with the Mr. And, most importantly, having a bit more downtime/ creative time. Oh, I am so greedy with time! If I could find a way to cut out sleep and the need for it, I would totally do it. There are always so many things I can think of doing! But then again, I do like a little time for an impromptu nap. Plus, I still have my booth that I can fluff and hunt for. Plus, who is to say that I won't open a shoppe in the future, when the boy decides that I am not cool or fun to be around anymore.
So, another thank you for all the near and far support. We truly appreciate you!
Now, I am off to see if the bird that is trying to get in the house through the laundry room dryer vent has succeeded. I think I have decided I dislike birds a great deal.
bye for now~