We have been pretty busy as of late and have been at the shoppe more and more. Our little shoppe has become our home away from home. Now, most people would think that working more is less than ideal. I say we have a pretty swell set up... especially on nights like last night. Last year the Mr. came across a vintage 8 mm projector and has since started collecting little films. It is a production to get these nights started... loading the film often takes longer than the movie. It is totally worth it though. Here are our essentials for a great outdoor movie night~
- Cook out food... on the cutest little green grill
- Vintage quilt to soften an old bench
- Campy movie... if a lady hatches from a dinosaur egg, then you know you have it right.
- Jar to catch fireflies
- some Beach Boys tunes
- Smores.... still debating on whether 1 or 2 jumbo marshmallows make the perfect one
- Finish off the night with a little guitar music... bonus if baby hughes sings
We are enjoying our summer... work and all! Hope you are too!
bye for now~