Yes, that is my Mr. He went to the BBC headquarters in NYC and chalked up 2 huge chalkboards for their kitchen area. He had a great time and was able to do a little sightseeing. For some odd reason, he forgot to put in the contract that his wife would get to travel to the real Downton Abbey... or at least get Season 3 before it was released here. Oh well... he did bring me back a sweet gift and some macarons.
Anyhoo.... while the Mr was away, the baby and I stayed busy, but I managed to take off a whole day to take him to some appointments and we had a movie date as well. I also managed to finish a few small at home projects.
I have been making shades in linen and burlap for awhile now, but I decided to add a little more to this one, so I made some little rosettes. Some of these will be in the shoppe very, very soon!
I also made a new pillow for the sofa... just something simple that I worked on while cursing the thunderstorm that made the Mr. get home 2 hours later than he was supposed to... I may have missed him a little *wink*
Before he left, he found me this HUGE vintage McCoy pot in this great color! I have never seen a McCoy this big! I like smelling gardenias when I walk in and out of the house, so I found this *perfect* specimen at our Home Depot. Seriously.... it is pretty dinky. Then, I went to another Home Depot and found a different species, but it still had a great heavenly smell
That's more like it! We took the day off Thursday to have a little family time and ended up treasure hunting and came home with this little number... original, perfectly chippy yellow paint. And, some lucky girl is taking this sweetie home with her this week!
I hope to have new shoppe photos this week... I have been really slacking in taking photos lately. I seriously have been painting like crazy for clients and a new little venture that I will spill more about later. Plus, I have been making nap mats and getting stuff ready for baby hughes to go to preschool next week *sniff, sniff* I am not sure what I will do without my sidekick for a couple of days a week.
off to buy more paint!
bye for now~

oh, I almost forgot... those of you who read my Facebook feeds may have already seen this, but Country Living asked me where I wanted to go in my home state this summer (slide 42)