
Hello and Happy Saturday!  We have been having a fun day at the shoppe... hazel is here and baby hughes and Mr. Hughes are enjoying the semi- not- cold weather outside with her.  I did a quick etsy restock of some of the little  toy trucks towing tiny trees... some of these have trailers!  I may die from alliteration happiness!

okay, that's all!  Back to work *wink*  Back soon with some Christmas decorating (I hope!)

bye for now!


  1. These are some of THE cutest things I've seen! xo

  2. Hello, Michelle! Nice to meet you! I am visiting from The Shabby Chick Creek blog. You have so many nice things in your shop. I will visit your Etsy stoe soon. In the meantime, good luck with sales. You must have so many more nice things if this little item in this post is a preview!

  3. P.S. STORE, I meant store, not stoe. What happened? I used to win all the spelling bees when I was little... ;)

  4. These are so FREAKING to dig through my son's toy box. Hope you had a Happy Birthday!! (I turned 33 at the end of Sept).


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